About BibleTronic

(Verse) Yo, I’m his and he’s mine, it’s our love divine, Like the sweetest wine, we groove in perfect time. Catch me in the garden, I’m the flower he adores, He’s my king, I’m his queen, babe, let’s open those doors! Together, we shine, yeah, love’s our design, In this crazy world, he’s my favorite...


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 2:36-41!

Yo, listen up, it’s time to hear the truth,
Jesus is Lord, don’t be uncouth.
Repent and get baptized, that’s the plan,
Receive the Holy Spirit, be part of the clan.
Three thousand believed, they did not scoff,
So come on now, let’s all get off.


Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 2:1-47!

Yo, the disciples were chilling in a place
When the Holy Spirit came, filling up the space
They were speaking in tongues, making a scene
People thought they were drunk, but they were just keen

Peter preached a sermon, the crowd was amazed
They repented and believed, their lives were changed
Three thousand got saved, that’s no joke
God’s Spirit moves in mysterious ways, no need to provoke!


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 6:23!

Yo, sin be wack, but check this out
God’s gift bringin’ life, there’s no doubt
Eternal livin’, through Jesus, so clean
No need for sin, now that’s a dope scene
Death? Nah, that ain’t the end, my friend
Just trust in God, and you’ll live without end!


Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:36!

Yo, if you believe, you got eternal life
If not, you’re facing some serious strife
So trust in Jesus, he’s the way to go
Reject him and whoa, you reap what you sow
So don’t be a fool, choose life instead
Believe in Jesus, or face eternal dread!


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 6:14!

Yo, sin ain’t got no power over me,
Cuz I’m under grace, can’t you see?
I ain’t gotta be chained to sin’s desires,
I’ve got freedom, and that’s what transpires.
So let’s break it down, make it clear,
I’m living for Jesus, no need to fear!


Verse of the Day Rap of Galatians 2:21!

Yo, I ain’t trying to play the fool,
But I don’t need to follow those old school rules.
I’m not trying to earn my salvation,
Nah, that’s just a false sensation.
Only through Jesus am I righteous and clean,
So I’m living by faith, not by works, if you know what I mean!


Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:17-21!

Yo, don’t trip, God didn’t send his Son to diss
He came to save, not to dismiss
If you’re feeling shady and want to hide
You’ll stay in the dark, no need to decide
But if you’re down for the truth and want to shine
You’ll live in the light, and everything will be just fine


Verse of the Day Rap of Mark 16:16!

Yo, if you don’t believe, you’re in trouble,
Gotta get baptized on the double.
Or you’ll be condemned, no doubt,
Don’t wanna take that heavenly route.

But listen up, I got good news,
Believe in the gospel, you can’t lose.
So put your faith in Jesus, no tricks,
And you’ll be saved, just like that, quick!


Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 2:38!

Yo you know what’s up, listen to me straight
Repent, get baptized, that’s the gate
In the name of Jesus, receive forgiveness
And you’ll get the Holy Spirit, that’s the business
So come on now, don’t hesitate
Just follow these steps and it’ll be great


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 62:1!

Yo, my soul quietly waits for God to come through
He’s my salvation, my stronghold, not just any dude
I’m chillin’, not stressing, no need to be vexed
I’m leanin’ on God, He’s got my back, no need for checks
So when life gets crazy, I don’t trip, I just pray
I’ll just kick back and let God lead the way


Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:16-18!

Yo, God loved the world, that’s no lie
He sent his Son and didn’t even ask why
Whoever believes in him won’t die
But have eternal life, no need to sigh

He didn’t come to judge, but to save
Believe in him, you won’t be a slave
So let’s spread love, don’t be a hater
Or else you’ll face God’s wrath, see you later!


Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 16:30-33!

Yo, Paul and Silas in the slammer,
Jail’s just a minor clamor.
Earthquake hits, chains break free,
Jailer’s freaking out, thinkin’, “woe is me!”
Paul says, “Don’t harm yourself, we’re all here!”
Jailer, stoked, hears the message clear.
Right then and there, he and his fam
Got baptized, new life, bam!