About BibleTronic

(Verse) Yo, I’m his and he’s mine, it’s our love divine, Like the sweetest wine, we groove in perfect time. Catch me in the garden, I’m the flower he adores, He’s my king, I’m his queen, babe, let’s open those doors! Together, we shine, yeah, love’s our design, In this crazy world, he’s my favorite...


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 8:38-39!

Ayo, there’s nothing that can separate us
From God’s love, nope, not even one fuss
Not trouble, hunger, or danger, yo
Nor demons, height, or depth, just so you know
Nothin’ in all creation, nothin’ at all
Can tear us away from God’s love, that’s the call!


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 John 5:13!

Yo, listen up, I got some news to share
If you believe in Jesus, you ain’t gotta despair
Got eternal life, no need to be afraid
Keep the faith, you got it made
So take it from me, don’t be mean
Believe in Jesus, and heaven’s your scene


Verse of the Day Rap of John 6:37!

Yo, listen up, I’m dropping truth like a mic
Just remember, don’t put up a fight
Jesus said, “I got you, I’ll never reject
So come on over, don’t need to reflect
If you’re seeking me, I’m always in sight
No need to worry, I got you day and night”


Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 7:13-14!

Yo, listen up, gotta make a decision,
Two roads ahead, it’s your mission,
One’s wide and easy, leads to destruction,
Other’s narrow, gonna need some instruction.

Don’t follow the crowd, take the narrow path,
It may be tough, but it’s worth the aftermath,
Don’t be a fool, choose wisely and be keen,
And you’ll find life that’s fresh and clean.


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Peter 2:24!

Yo, Jesus took our sins and bore ’em,
On that cross, man, he tore ’em,
So we could live right, no longer sinning,
His wounds healed us, no need for grinning.
Now we walk in righteousness, no longer wild,
Cuz by his stripes, we’re healed, it’s like he tiled.
So let’s live for him, no more acting shady,
Cuz by his wounds, we’re cured, no need for maybes.


Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Timothy 1:9!

God saved us and called us with a holy plan,
Not because of our works, but because of his grand,
He gave us his grace before time began,
Now that’s something you should understand,
So don’t be shy, just take a stand,
‘Cause God’s love is something you’ll never outran!


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 10:13!

Yo, anyone can call on the Lord, no cap
Just believe in him, that’s a fact
No matter who you are or where you’re at
You can get saved, that’s where it’s at
Just say his name and you’ll be alright
Cuz with Jesus Christ, it’s all good, a’ight!


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 John 1:9!

Yo, if we confess our sin
He’ll come through and let us win
He’s faithful and just, no bluff
Forgiving and cleansing, that’s enough
So don’t front, just come clean
Don’t be shady, be part of the team
Confess your wrongs, don’t delay
Get on your knees and start to pray!


Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Corinthians 5:21!

Yo, God made him who had no sin,
Be sin for us, so we could win.
We get his righteousness, that’s dope,
Even though we’re sinners, we still have hope.
So put your hands up, and give a shout,
‘Cause Jesus took our sin, and turned it out!


Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Corinthians 5:17!

If you’re feeling lost or in a slump
Just remember this, don’t be a chump
In Christ, you’re a totally new creation
Old ways gone, that’s the situation
Out with the old, in with the new
Just keep on rockin’, you know it’s true


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 5:8!

Yo, check it, listen up, yo,
God showed love when we went solo,
While we were still deep in sin,
He said, “I got you, I’ll win!”
So Christ died for us, take a bow,
That’s some real love, no doubt!


Verse of the Day Rap of John 5:24!

Yo listen up, I got some good news for ya
If you believe in the one who sent ya
You won’t face death, that’s a fact
Eternal life, no need to backtrack
You’ve crossed over from death to life
So keep on jammin’, no need for strife