About BibleTronic

Yo, check it, girl, you got that spice, Your love’s sweeter than sugar, oh so nice! All the perfumes in the world can’t compare, Your essence hits harder, you light up the air. In this heart race, you’re the top contender, With a vibe so hot, you’re a love blender! Can’t resist your vibe, you’re...


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:3!

Yo, Jesus said to Nicodemus, listen close
If you wanna see God’s kingdom, here’s the dose
You gotta be born again, not physically
But spiritually, fam, that’s the key
So open up your heart, let the Spirit flow
And in God’s kingdom, you’ll surely grow


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 69:5!

God’s timing’s perfect, but I’m all stressed out
My throat’s getting dry, and I’m stuck in doubt
All this water’s got my head in a fog
I need a life raft to get through this smog
I’m sinking fast, need someone to save me
Can’t do it alone, need God to set me free


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 6:19-20!

Yo, don’t you know, your body’s a temple,
So don’t be wastin’ it, gotta keep it simple.
God lives in you, don’t be actin’ shady,
So keep it clean, don’t be lazy or crazy.
You were bought at a price, so show some respect,
Take care of yourself, don’t neglect.


Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:16!

Yo, God loved the world so much,
He gave His only Son for us to clutch.
All who believe in Him won’t be in the dark,
But will shine bright like a spark.
Eternal life is what you’ll gain,
If you let Jesus take the reins.
So don’t be a fool, let Him in,
And watch your life begin.


Verse of the Day Rap of Proverbs 8:13!

I’m dropping wisdom, so listen up quick
Hating what’s evil, that’s my only shtick
Pride and arrogance, they ain’t my style
I’m all about truth, and I’ll go the extra mile
I’m the lady of wisdom, so don’t even try
Mess with me and you’ll surely fry


Verse of the Day Rap of Colossians 3:1-25!

Yo, listen up, here’s a heavenly mix
Set your mind on things above, not on earthly tricks
Lay off the anger, and put on some grace
Forgive each other, show love all over the place

In all you do, do it for the Lord
Wives and husbands, submit in one accord
Kids, obey your folks, that’s the deal
Work for the Lord, not for a cheap thrill


Verse of the Day Rap of James 1:14-15!

Yo, when you’re tempted, don’t be swayed
It’s your own desires that lead you astray
They give birth to sin, and sin brings death
So don’t play yourself, stay strong, keep faith
‘Cause in the end, your desires are just a fake
So resist temptation, don’t let it be your fate!


Verse of the Day Rap of Ecclesiastes 7:20!

Yo, I’ve made mistakes, there’s no denying
Nobody’s perfect, we all be lying
But don’t let it bring you down, stay strong
Learn from the past and move along
Ain’t no one on this earth who ain’t done wrong
So keep your head up and just carry on!


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 51:1-2!

Yo, God, have mercy on me, I ain’t perfect, can’t you see?
Blot out my sins, clean me up like a tide of Lysol.
I’ve messed up, God, I’m sorry,
I need your forgiveness, don’t ignore me.
Wash me clean from all my wrongs,
I wanna be righteous, can we get along?


Verse of the Day Rap of Isaiah 1:18!

Yo, Isaiah 1:18, let me break it down,
“Though your sins be like scarlet, I can make ’em white as snow,
You wanna be clean, I got the hook-up, bro!
Just come reason with me and we’ll make it right,
Your sin ain’t no match for my cleansing light!”


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 6:9-11!

Listen up, don’t be fooled
It’s time to drop some wisdom, not be a fool
Thieves, cheaters, and the greedy won’t make the cut
Neither will those who like to strut
But there’s hope, don’t you see
With Jesus, you can be set free
So leave behind that old life, and walk in grace
‘Cause in His kingdom, there’s a better place!


Verse of the Day Rap of 2 Corinthians 5:17!

Yo listen up, let me break it down
When you’re in Christ, there’s a new crown
Old things gone, in the past they fade
A new creation, in the game we played
So put on your swag, and walk with pride
In Christ, you’re a brand new ride!