About BibleTronic

Yo, check it, girl, you got that spice, Your love’s sweeter than sugar, oh so nice! All the perfumes in the world can’t compare, Your essence hits harder, you light up the air. In this heart race, you’re the top contender, With a vibe so hot, you’re a love blender! Can’t resist your vibe, you’re...


Don’t just read the Bible Verse of the Day… Rap it!

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Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 66:18!

Yo, listen up, I got a verse to share
If I do wrong, God ain’t gonna hear my prayer
I gotta keep my heart clean, stay on track
Or else my requests gonna hit the trash
So I’ll keep it real, live right and straight
‘Cause God don’t wanna hear from no crooked mate!


Verse of the Day Rap of Ezekiel 36:1-38!

Yo listen up, I got a story to tell
About a valley of dry bones, oh what the hell
God said to Ezekiel, “Prophesy to the bones”
Then they all came together, muscle and skin, home sweet home
Now they’re all alive, thanks to God’s plan
He’s the real MVP, that’s the gospel of Ezekiel, man!


Verse of the Day Rap of John 3:1!

You wanna know how to be born again?
Listen up to what I’m about to explain
Nicodemus came to Jesus at night
Said “Rabbi, we know you’ve got the insight”
Jesus said “You gotta be born from above
Believe in me, receive my love”
So now you know what it takes
To see the Kingdom, no more fakes


Verse of the Day Rap of Ephesians 5:3!

Yo, listen up, I got a story to tell,
About living clean and doing well.
No trash talk, no filthy jokes,
Just good vibes and wholesome folks.
Keep it real, keep it tight,
No shady business, just shine your light.
So let’s do right, and keep it clean,
That’s what Ephesians 5:3 means!


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 32:1!

Yo, let’s talk about the blessedness
Of having our sins all confessed
Oh, what a relief, no need to stress
Cuz God forgives and we can rest
So put on your dancing shoes, get ready to prance
Cuz we’re forgiven and now we can dance


Verse of the Day Rap of Ezekiel 18:30!

Yo, stop blaming your dad for what you done,
You gotta take responsibility, son,
It’s about time to change your fate,
Stop making excuses, it’s not too late,
So, clean up your act, and do what’s right,
And you’ll see God’s love shining bright!


Verse of the Day Rap of Matthew 18:21-22!

Yo, Peter asked, “How many times should I forgive?
Seven times, Jesus, that’s how I live.”
Nah, not seven, but seventy times seven, you see?
That’s forgiveness, it’s the key.
So keep on forgiving, don’t keep count,
That’s what love’s all about. Word up, don’t doubt.


Verse of the Day Rap of Titus 2:14!

Yo, Jesus came and saved us from sin,
Gave us a new life, now we all win.
He’s got us on lock, we’re His special crew,
Doing good deeds, spreading love too.
We’re His people, representing His grace,
Living for Him, it’s all about that embrace.


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 6:22!

Yo, now that we’re free from sin
We’re living life, let the fun begin
But not with wickedness, that’s too grim
Instead, serve God, our hearts are brimmed
With righteousness, leading to eternal life
No more strife, just joy and no more strife
Living for Him, no need to pretend
Our freedom in Christ will never end!


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Corinthians 15:34!

Yo listen up, don’t be foolin’ around
Stop actin’ like a clown, get up off the ground
Pull yourself together, get your mind right
Stop livin’ in sin, start walkin’ in light
You better wise up and come to your senses
Or else you’ll be jumpin’ fences


Verse of the Day Rap of Revelation 21:8!

Yo, listen up, this is not a joke,
But if you’re scared, go ahead and take a toke,
Because liars, thieves, and the cowardly crew,
They’re all gonna end up in the fire too,
No more shady dealings or running away,
So get your act together, it’s the final day!


Verse of the Day Rap of Genesis 2:17!

Yo Adam, listen up, hear me clear
One tree, just one, you must steer clear
In the garden, you can eat and chill
But the fruit from that tree will make you ill
Obey my word, don’t make a fuss
Or you’ll be kickin’ it outta here, that’s the deal, Gus!