Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day… In a different way.

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Chillax Verse of the Day Proverbs 3:11-12!

Dude, don’t be bummed if things don’t go your way. The universe is just giving you some tough love, man. Just chill and take it in stride, ’cause the vibes will be better in the long run, my bro. The Higher Power’s got your back, so just roll with it. Peace, man.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 1:29,31!

“Don’t be a fool and chase after trouble, cuz you gonna get what’s comin’ to ya. If ya ignore my warnings, ya gonna reap what ya sow, and it ain’t gonna be good. So listen up and do what’s right, ya don’t wanna be stuck in a mess of your own makin’!”


Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 2:36-41!

Yo, listen up, it’s time to hear the truth,
Jesus is Lord, don’t be uncouth.
Repent and get baptized, that’s the plan,
Receive the Holy Spirit, be part of the clan.
Three thousand believed, they did not scoff,
So come on now, let’s all get off.


Breaking News ### Ephesians 4:2 ###

“Breaking News: Ephesians 4:2 advises to bear with one another in love, preserving unity and peace. This directive comes from the Bible and encourages people to be patient, kind, and understanding towards each other. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmony and cohesion in relationships for the greater good of the community.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 9:1-2!

Dude, I’m totally stoked to give thanks to the Big Guy upstairs. I’m gonna rock out and tell everyone about His epic deeds. I’m gonna be all about praising Him and chilling out over how awesome He is. Can’t wait to spread the word about His killer wonders! Peace out.


Verse of the Day Rap of Acts 2:1-47!

Yo, the disciples were chilling in a place
When the Holy Spirit came, filling up the space
They were speaking in tongues, making a scene
People thought they were drunk, but they were just keen

Peter preached a sermon, the crowd was amazed
They repented and believed, their lives were changed
Three thousand got saved, that’s no joke
God’s Spirit moves in mysterious ways, no need to provoke!


Breaking News ### Mark 9:35 ###

“Jesus declares, ‘If anyone wants to be first, they must be the very last, and the servant of all.’ In a shocking turn of events, the Son of God emphasizes the importance of humility and service in a world focused on power and status. This revolutionary message is sure to challenge societal norms and inspire a new way of living.”


Chillax Verse of the Day John 10:10!

“Like, dude, the Dude says: ‘The dude comes to give us, like, abundant vibes and a totally groovy life, man. And not just, like, kinda groovy, but, like, super far out! So, like, take it from the Dude, and live your life to the max, you dig?'”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Deuteronomy 1:29-30!

Y’all was whinin’ and carryin’ on ’bout bein’ skeer’d, but I said, “Don’t be a-feared, the Lord’s got yer back! He’ll be a-fightin’ for y’all and helpin’ y’all take over that there land.” Y’all just gotta trust in Him and stop bein’ so chicken-livered!


Verse of the Day Rap of Romans 6:23!

Yo, sin be wack, but check this out
God’s gift bringin’ life, there’s no doubt
Eternal livin’, through Jesus, so clean
No need for sin, now that’s a dope scene
Death? Nah, that ain’t the end, my friend
Just trust in God, and you’ll live without end!