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Verse of the Day

Verse of the Day… In a different way.

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Breaking News ### Zechariah 14:9 ###

Breaking: Zechariah 14:9 reports a grand proclamation of the Lord ruling over all the earth. In a stunning development, the prophecy foretells of a time when God will be recognized as the one true king, uniting all nations under His authority. Stay tuned for more updates on this momentous event. #Zechariah14:9 #ProphecyFulfilled


Chillax Verse of the Day Philippians 4:6-7!

Yo, don’t stress about anything, bro. Just chill and pray about it instead, ya know? Tell God what’s up and thank Him for all that good stuff in your life. Then, you’ll feel this peaceful vibe that’s like, way beyond what you can even imagine. It’s gonna blow your mind, man. Peace out.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 6:30!

And Moses said unto the Lord, “Pardner, I got a speech impediment, reckon I ain’t the right fella for this job.” But the Lord replied, “Don’t you worry none, Moses. I reckon I’ll help you out. You just do as I say, and everything’ll turn out just fine.”


Verse of the Day Rap of Psalm 1:2-3!

Yo, listen up to this divine rhyme,
Gotta meditate on God’s word all the time.
Like a tree planted by streams of water,
I’m thriving, not withering, hotter and hotter.
Bearing fruit in due season, nope, not a bore,
Peep the goodness of the Lord, can’t ask for more!


Breaking News ### Psalm 138:8 ###

BREAKING NEWS: Psalm 138:8 declares, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever—do not abandon the works of your hands.” This verse brings hope and reassurance to believers, emphasizing God’s faithfulness and steadfast love. Stay tuned for more updates on this encouraging message from the Bible.


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 8:1!

Dude, like, the Big Guy upstairs totally rocks our world. His name is super legit everywhere, like, no joke. It’s crazy how amazing he is, from his rad heavens down to Earth. I can’t even handle how cool he is, man. It’s mind-blowing for sure.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 6:29!

Jesus done told us, “All y’all gotta believe in me to do God’s work.” So, reckon reckon we best git to believin’ if we wanna git right with the man upstairs. Can I get an Amen up in here? Preach it, brother! Hallelujah!


Verse of the Day Rap of Job 23:12!

Job, Job, don’t be blue
I’m coming for you, it’s true
I’ll cling to His words like glue
No turning back, I’m on cue
I won’t wander, I won’t stew
His commands, I’ll pursue
In His path, I’ll debut
His truth, I will construe


Breaking News ### 2 Peter 3:9 ###

Breaking News: 2 Peter 3:9 – “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Stay tuned for updates on this message of hope and salvation for all. #BibleVerse #Salvation #GoodNews


Chillax Verse of the Day Peter 5:8-11!

Hey man, stay alert and be on your guard. The cosmic buzzkill is prowling around trying to harsh your mellow. Stand firm in your good vibes, knowing that all the other chill souls are vibing just like you. The universe’s chill will restore you and raise you up in due time, man. Peace out, bro.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 6:28!

If’n someone cuss ya out, just smile ‘n wave ’em on, like ya ain’t got no worries ’bout it. ‘Cause that there’s how ya show true kindness. Keep on spreadin’ that love ’round, even to them orn’ry varmints. ‘Cause reckon the Good Lord above likes seein’ folks get along.


Verse of the Day Rap of 1 Peter 2:2!

Ay yo listen up, don’t be playin’ no games,
Crave that milk of the Word, no time for lames,
Growin’ up in salvation, no longer babies,
Get your spiritual protein, no maybes,
So you can grow up strong, like Peter said,
Don’t stay stagnant, get that spiritual bread.