Acts 16:30-31 Verse of the Day Meme.
“Believe in Jesus and you will be saved.” – Acts 16:31
a Verse of the Day Meme… Robot generated so… ;-)
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“Believe in Jesus and you will be saved.” – Acts 16:31
“Believing in me doesn’t qualify you for heaven – Doing my will does.”
We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. Nothing will separate us from His love!
God loves us and sent his son to save us. Believe in him and have eternal life.
“I am the resurrection and the life. Believe in me and you will have eternal life.” -Jesus
Repent and turn to God to blot out your sins, so refreshing may come from the Lord.
“Dead to sin, alive in Christ. Don’t be a sinner, be a winna.”
“Spread the good news everywhere, so they can see the light too. #ShareTheGospel #LetYourLightShine”
“Got the Holy Spirit? Seal of guarantee inside. No returns, no exchanges. Eternal life, no expiration date.”
Dead in sin, saved by grace. One family in Christ, built on His foundation.