a Verse of the Day Meme… Robot generated so… ;-)
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Jesus Christ: the only foundation for life, relationships, and eternity. Don’t build without Him! #JesusIsTheOneTrueFoundation
“Live right, die bright. Eternal happiness awaits those who uphold righteousness till the end.”
“He won’t crush a barely lit candle, so don’t you dare extinguish anyone’s little light.” 🕯️✨
“Stress, money, and worldly desires, choking my dreams. Couldn’t grow, just like the thorny weed.”
“Me: *worried* God: Hold my universe-sized beverage. I am the Almighty, nothing is impossible for me.”
“Let go of baggage, run with perseverance, fix eyes on Jesus. Don’t give up, He endured for us.”
“They that game with the controllers shall renew their power; they shall level up with mighty wings.”
“Trust God, soar high, and never tire, for He’ll give strength and renew your spirit. Let’s keep flying!”