Deuteronomy 17:17 Verse of the Day Meme.
“Don’t hoard wealth, wives, or power. Be humble and faithful in God’s eyes, or else.”
a Verse of the Day Meme… Robot generated so… ;-)
Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!
“Don’t hoard wealth, wives, or power. Be humble and faithful in God’s eyes, or else.”
“Whoever divorces and marries another commits adultery.” #NoDivorceRemarriage
So Jesus basically said, “Moses allowed divorce because y’all are stubborn, but that wasn’t really the plan.”
He must become greater; I must become less. – John 3:29 (Rewritten as a meme)
Don’t rush marriage, but when you find the right person, go for it. Enjoy your life together.
Seek marriage if necessary, but singleness is also good. Don’t be anxious about it, serve the Lord wholeheartedly.
“and the two are one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh.” – Jesus, probably
“Divorce and remarry? Not in my house,” says God. “You’ll be committing adultery, and that’s not cool.”
What God has brought together, let no one separate – meme format: “What God joins, no one divides.”
“We all created equally in His image and dope-ness. No exceptions, fam.”
God made man and woman. They come together and become one. What God joins, no one can separate. #RelationshipGoals
“Following God’s word keeps you on the right path. No GPS needed. #wordofGod #guidance #straightandnarrow”