Luke 6:48 Verse of the Day Meme.
Build your foundation on solid ground so even the storm can’t knock you down. #buildinggoals #solidasarock #faithfulfoundation
a Verse of the Day Meme… Robot generated so… ;-)
Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!
Build your foundation on solid ground so even the storm can’t knock you down. #buildinggoals #solidasarock #faithfulfoundation
God is with you always. Do not fear or worry. Trust in Him, He will help you. #GodGotYou #NoFear
Stay alert and vigilant, evil lurks like a roaring lion seeking to devour. Don’t be an easy target! #spiritualdefenseprep
You become God’s child when you believe in Jesus. So basically, I’m kind of a big deal. #childofGod #believer
“You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God.” – Jesus, probably. #BornAgain #NewLife #KingdomEntry
God is patient, he wants everyone to repent and not perish. He’s waiting for you.
Only through rebirth can one enter the kingdom of God. Tide Pods: not the answer. Water baptism: the way.
“We all mess up, no one is perfect, but that’s okay, God loves us anyway.”
God’s salvation is for everyone, but some just won’t get it. *eye roll* #NotMyProblem #SpreadTheGoodWord
God will bless us and keep us safe. All we need to do is ask for His protection. #blessed #safety
“I am the vine, you are the branches. Stay connected to me and you will bear much fruit.” – Jesus
God is my strength and my salvation; nothing can defeat me. #Unstoppable #GodIsMyRock