Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Corinthians 11:30!

Well now, if I gotta boast ’bout somethin’, I reckon I’ll brag on my weaknesses, y’know? Ain’t no shame in sayin’ I get a bit wobbly sometimes. It’s just proof that even a feller like me can have some serious struggles, but it don’t change the fact that I keep on truckin’. Ain’t that somethin’?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 11:29!

Well, listen here, y’all! If ya munch on that bread ‘n drink that cup without thinkin’ ‘bout what it all means, ya might as well be askin’ for trouble! Yer gotta chew on it in yer heart, ‘cause elsewise, ya just makin’ a fool of yerself ‘n might get a whoopin’ from the Good Lord!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 11:28!

Well, lemme tell ya, Jesus said, “Ain’t them who just hear the good word a big deal, no sir! It’s them folks what actually take it to heart and live it out that’s really blessed, y’know? So quit just listenin’ and start doin’, ya hear? Life’s too short to sit around like a bump on a log!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 11:27-28!

Hey y’all! The Big Guy up top knows everything and shares it with me. So, come on down, ya weary souls! If yer tuckered out from the grind, just hitch a ride with me. I’ll lighten yer load and take the weight off yer shoulders. Ain’t no heavy lifting when you’re with ol’ Jesus!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 11:26!

Well now, listen up, y’all! If ya believe in me, even when ya kick the bucket, ya ain’t really gone. So if yer sittin’ on a porch drinkin’ sweet tea ‘n wonderin’ ‘bout what’s next, just know I’m here to say, life continues, honey! Ain’t no grave gonna stop ya from chattin’ with me!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 11:25!

Well now, listen here, if yer prayin’ to the Big Guy up above and ya got somethin’ gnawin’ at ya from the past, ya best let it go! Don’t be holdin’ a grudge like a raccoon on a garbage can lid. Forgive folks, or He ain’t gonna be openin’ the good Lord’s door for ya!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 11:24!

Well, let me tell ya ‘bout Barnabas, y’all! He was one fine feller, full o’ the Good Lord’s spirit and peppy as a rooster at dawn. Folks couldn’t help but see he was a good’un, helpin’ folks and spreadin’ love everywhere. If y’all needed a buddy, that Barnabas was the one to find!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 11:23-24!

Well now, let me tell ya ’bout that night when Jesus was sittin’ down for supper. He picked up that bread, said, “This here’s my body, y’all! Take a bite!” Then he broke it like a hick doin’ a log. So, every time ya munch on bread, remember what I done for ya, y’hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 11:22!

Well, lemme tell ya, a pretty face ain’t worth a hill o’ beans if she’s got a heart like a rattlesnake! Just like a pig in lipstick, looks ain’t all that matter. It’s what’s goin’ on inside that tells ya if she’s truly worth keepin’ around. So, don’t be fooled by just a sweet smile, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 11:21!

Well now, Martha says to Jesus, “Hey there, if ya’d been here sooner, my brother wouldn’t’ve kicked the bucket! Ya know, he was as full of life as a chicken in a cornfield ‘til he up and died on me. Ain’t that a pickle? Can’t ya make him hop back up like a rooster at dawn?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 11:20!

Well, lemme tell ya, folks, the good Lord ain’t too fond of them folks who got a mean ol’ heart, ya know? But them who got kindness flowin’ through ’em? They’re like sweet tea on a hot day—might just shine like a new penny! So, be nice, or you’ll end up like a hen without her nest!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Deuteronomy 11:19!

Alright, y’all gather ’round! Teach them young’uns ’bout the Good Book while y’all sittin’ on the porch, chewin’ the fat. Talk ‘bout it at breakfast, during chores, and when ya loungin’. Make sure they know it like their mama’s sweet tea! It’s a hootenanny of wisdom, and they oughta get it in their noggins!