Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 145:1-2!

Well shoot, y’all, let me tell ya ’bout Psalm one-forty-five, verse one and two. It goes a little somethin’ like this: “I’mma praise ya, God, with all my heart, and sing about ya all day long. Ya mighty fine, God, and your name deserves to be praised!” Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 13:7!

Now listen up, y’all! ‘Sides from lovin’ yer neighbor, pay yer debts on time. That’s what the Good Book says in Romans 13:7. So don’t go skippin’ out on them bills and tryna use this here verse as an excuse. Mama didn’t raise no fool!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day James 4:14-15!

“Listen up, y’all. Ain’t none of us knows what tomorrow gon’ bring. Life’s like a puff of smoke – here fer a spell, then gone. So, instead of boastin’ ’bout stuff we gon’ do, we oughta say ‘if the Lord’s willin’ an’ we’re still kickin’ tomorrow, we gon’ do it.’ Don’t forget it!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day James 4:14-15!

“Listen up y’all, ya ain’t nuthin’ but a vapor, driftin’ through them hills. Ya don’t know what’s ’bout to happen tomorrow, so quit yer yappin’ and submit to the good Lord’s will. Sayin’ ya gonna do this or that ain’t how it works, ya need Him to steer yer path.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 144:4!

Lordy, us folks is like a van full o’ crawdads – our days done slipped away like a shadow on the old barn. Ain’t no use tryin’ to hold on, might as well let go and let the Big Man upstairs take the reins. Amen and pass the moonshine.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Colossians 2:17!

“Now don’t y’all be gettin’ caught up in them fancy rules ’bout what ta eat or drink, ’cause them thangs is just temporary. The good Lord’s got bigger plans fer y’all than that!” – Colossians 2:17 (Hillbilly version)