Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Timothy 3:15!

“Now young’n, I reckon that yer grandma ‘n mama done did teach y’all the holy scriptures from a wee slip of a young’n. That book’ll make ye wise as a hoot owl and mighty fine feller of God. So keep on learnin’ and growin’ in the Lord, ya hear?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 108:3!

“Praise the Lord, y’all! I reckon I’ll sing ya a lil’ diddy ’bout how great our Lord God is. He deserves all the credit, so let’s get to hollerin’ and screamin’ His name like a bunch of hootenanny yahoos!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 2:2!

“Now listen up y’all, Jesus done took care of our sins, not just ours but every dern one in the whole dang world! Ain’t that somethin’? So don’t y’all go actin’ like ya ain’t been saved, cause ya have, by golly!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 3:8!

“Y’all better shape up! Don’t think it’s enough to be born into good stock. Ya gotta prove yer worth by doin’ good deeds. Don’t be no snakes in the grass, be righteous like John. Get ready, ’cause the Lord’s a-comin’!” – Luke 3:8 (Hillbilly Version)


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Peter 3:9!

Now lookee here, folks, ya’ll listen tight. The good Lord ain’t no turtle in his might. He might take his time, but he’s patient see, cuz he don’t want nobody to miss out on eternity. He wants all y’all to come to repentance, so don’t be stubborn, it’s just common sense.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 10:15!

Them scriptur’s say it like this: “And how shall they preaches the good news, if’n they ain’t sent? As it’s writin’, ‘How beautiful are the feets of them that brings good tidin’s of peace, that brings good tidin’s of good thangs!'”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Thessalonians 1:2!

“Howdy, y’all! We’s mighty thankful to the Lord, prayin’ night and day fer ya’ll. We’s reckonin’ yer faith is strong as a bull, jes’ like our own. May the grace o’ the Lord keep blessin’ ya’ll ’til Kingdom come!” (47 words)


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 10:12!

Lord, please show them city slickers who thinks they’s so high and mighty that y’all still around. They may reckon they’s the bee’s knees now, but we know that come Judgment Day, they’ll be hooting and hollering for mercy like a cat caught in a henhouse.