Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 1:8!

“Now listen up y’all, jes’ like Big J said, y’all will receive a powerful boost of the Holy Spirit. And once ya git it, ya gonna be mah witnesses everywhere, from yer hometown to the end of the country road. Ain’t that somethin’ to ponder?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 79:9!

“Lord, don’t pour ya out yer wrath upon us like a thunderstorm on a tin roof. Ya know them foreigners done runnin’ ’round in yer holy land, stealin’ and killin’ yer people. So, why don’t ya give ’em a good whoppin’ and show ’em who’s boss up in heaven?” – Psalm 79:9 (Hillbilly Version)


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 10:1-2!

“Now, listen up y’all! Them folks who make unjust laws and oppress the poor ain’t gonna get away with it. The Lord’s fixin’ to give ’em a good whippin’! They think they so mighty, but they ain’t nothin’ compared to the Almighty.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 3:17!

“Ya’ll reckon if’n ya got plenty o’ vittles ‘n ya see yer kinfolk a-hankerin’, ya oughta help ’em out? ‘Cause if ya don’t, how’s the love o’ God s’posed to stay in ya? That’s what John says anyhow, ‘n he’s a book-learned feller.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 3:27!

“Y’all got goods to give, don’t hold it back now, hear? Shucks, helpin’ out a neighbor beats wrasslin’ with guilt any day of the week. So don’t skimp on the kindness, ya hear? Jest keep givin’ like a feller who aims to please the Big Guy up yonder.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 19:10!

“Ya’ll listen up now, cause Ah’ll tell ya plain,
the Son o’ Man came to save us from sin an’ pain.
Climbin’ up that tree, Zacchaeus got a peek,
an’ Jesus called him down, said salvation he shall seek.
Folks, that’s the truth, no foolin’ ’bout it,
He came to seek an’ save the lost, there ain’t no doubt about it.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 141:4!

“Hey y’all, watch yer talkin’, ‘cuz the good Lord’s listenin’. ‘N reckon ya don’t wanna git on his bad side. So let’s keep our trap shut ‘n keep the peace. No need fer no fussin’ ‘n cussin’ up in here, y’hear? Psalm 141:4, y’all!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 141:3!

“Lord, set a watch ’round my piehole; keep her locked up tight like a cow in a pen. Let not yonder devilish tongue spout forth wickedness, lest I be smitten quicker than a coon in a trap.” – Psalm 141:3 (Hillbilly Edition)