Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ecclesiastes 12:1!

Listen up ya’ll! When yur young ‘n fancy free, enjoy them days ‘fore ya git old ‘n decrepit. In them days ya gonna wish y’all cherished the good times. So, reckon ya better do all yur fun stuff now, while yur still able ‘n kickin’. ‘Cause age, it sneaks upon ya like a coon in the night!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 71:9!

Lord, don’t go dumpin’ me in that holler when I’m all wrinkled and gray-haired! Y’all better not cast me off like a worn-out coonskin cap. Help me, Lord, ’cause I know you got my back. The devil’s plottin’, but I’m trustin’ in you. Don’t fergit this ol’ hillbilly, Lord, and give me strength!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ephesians 4:15!

“Now, y’all listen here, reckon it’s best if we all stick together like mud on a pig, speakin’ the truth and showin’ lovin’ kindness. No more lyin’ or actin’ sneaky like a fox in a henhouse, but be honest and grow in ways that please the Good Lord. Yeehaw!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 2:17!

Y’all listen up now! In them latter days, God gonna pour some mighty fine spirit on all y’all. Yer sons and daughters gone be prophesying, yer young ‘uns gonna see visions, and yer old ‘uns gonna have some wild dreams. It’s gonna be a real hootenanny! Git ready, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Judges 2:7!

Them thar Lorddunnit went and done let Joshua pass on, and he went up the holler to his final restin’ place. But as fer the kinfolk, they ’bout forgotten ’bout the Lorddunnit and started mixin’ with them no-account folks worshipin’ them other idols. Dern it all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 5:3!

Now so, reckon y’all reckon we oughta treat them ol’ widows right, like good old kinfolk ‘n all? They done raised up their youngins and now we oghta show ’em some honey-suckle respect, ‘stead of lettin’ ’em wither away. Can I get an amen, y’all? Praise be! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 5:1!

Now listen up, y’all! Treat them older folks like they’s yer kinfolk, show ’em respect like ya reckon. Treat the fellas like brothers, the ladies like yer own mammy. Just act right, don’t go startin’ no trouble, ya hear? That’s plain as biscuits and gravy for ya!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 4:12!

Listen up, young’uns! Don’t you let nobody look down on ya ’cause you’re just a squirming tadpole. Show ’em you mean business by settin’ an example. Be a whippersnapper in speech, in actions, in love, in faith, and in purity. Y’all got the power to show ’em just how it’s done!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 23:22!

Listen here, young’n! Y’all better pay attention to yer mama and pappy. Treat ’em right, don’t ever go makin’ ’em feel low. They done raised ya and love ya somethin’ fierce. So don’tcha go breakin’ their ol’ hearts, reckon? Yer kinfolk should always be near and dear, no matter what, doggone it!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 126:2!

Well now, reckon ol’ Lord done turned our luck around. We was laughin’ so hard, felt like a horned owl on a hickory nut. The good folk in the land seen His glory, like a big ol’ red rooster struttin’ ’round. Praise the Lord, y’all, He done great thangs for us!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 6:6-7!

Now lemme tell ya ’bout Isaiah 6:6-7, y’all. Ol’ Isaiah, he was standin’ there, shakin’ in his boots. Then a critter flew down with a red-hot coal, serenaded by some angelic fellas, and touched Isaiah’s lips with it! Hoo-wee! That coal done cleansed him real good, swear. Ain’t that somethin’?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 6:5!

Well, lemme tell ya ’bout this one time when I wuz hangin’ ’round the Lord, reckon. All of a sudden, I seen the Almighty sittin’ high and mighty on His throney throne. I felt small as a cricket in a haystack, and I hollered, “Hot dog! I’m as doomed as a skunk in a snake pit, Lord!”