Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 3:19!

So y’see, old Eli’s ears perked up somethin’ fierce, reckon the Lord was whisperin’ in ’em loud ‘n clear. Ever’ word ol’ Sam shared was gold, and the folks ’round ’em knew it. The words spread ‘cross the land like wildfire, ‘n ev’rybody knew Samuel told it like it was, yessir!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 3:19!

Well reckon, young Samuel done growed up an’ he come to pass that the Lord was with him, an’ none of his words went plumb down the crick. So, all them folks in town, from Dan to Beersheba, knew that Samuel was a true-blue Prophet of the Almighty. Amen to that, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 71:18!

Well now, Lord, don’t ya go castin’ me off in my old age like yesterday’s whiskey. Ya know I gotta keep preachin’ ’bout yer mighty deeds and goodness. So keep me kickin’ and hollerin’, ’cause this old hillbilly ain’t done spreadin’ yer praises ’round these parts. Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Timothy 4:7-8!

“Well, I reckon I done fought the good fight, son! I done kept the faith and I’ll tell ya, I’m fixin’ to receive a gold medal from the Good Lord Himself up yonder. Can’t hardly wait for that glorious day when he welcomes me home, bless my hillbilly soul!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 17:4!

“Now, them Thessalonians heard Paul n’ Silas a-preachin’, ’bout that there Jesus feller, right? And some of ’em, they done believ’d, ‘long with a lotta other folks. But them Jews, they got all riled up, and started a fussin’, stirrin’ up trouble for them good ol’ boys. What a hoot!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Titus 2:3!

“Y’all reckon what it takes fer them good ol’ dames to live right? Well, listen up here, folks! Them older gals gotta be sober-minded, not gossipin’, teachin’ young’uns to be well-behaved, keepin’ house and makin’ the good Lord proud. Now, ain’t that a sight prettier’n a hog in mud?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Titus 2:2!

Well now, y’all know ’bout bein’ good, right? Them older fellas oughta be all wise and straight-as-an-arrow, not runnin’ off at the mouth or chuggin’ moonshine like a dang fool. Our hillbilly pride need some discipline, so we can show them young’uns how it’s done, bless their hearts.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ecclesiastes 7:10!

Well, they say don’t go diggin’ too deep ’round these parts, ‘cos the deeper you go, the more ya find. Ain’t no use stirrin’ up trouble or ‘splainin’ things that don’t need ‘splainin’. Just enjoy the simple things in life, ‘cos once you’re in the thick of it, ain’t no turnin’ back.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 4:14!

“Now, ain’t ya listen here, son! Don’t ya neglect that gift the Lord done gave ya! Y’know, some folks be lackin’ faith in ya, but put them doubts aside. Fan that flame within ya like a hound dog on a hot trail! It’s time to git to work, partner!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Peter 5:5!

Well, y’all young’uns better listen up. Let me tell ya, God don’t take kindly to no highfalutin’ pride. No sirree! So, I reckon you humble yerselves, just like kinfolk help each other out. ‘Cause you see, God sure does got a soft spot for them humble country folks.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 40:29!

Listen up y’all! Isaiah 40:29 says, “The Lord he gives ma strength when Ah’m as weak as a kitten stuck in a hay bale. He powers me up like a wild hog on moonshine, makin’ mah muscles ripple like a river runnin’. Thank the Lord, for He’s the Earl of energizin’ hillbillies!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ecclesiastes 12:1!

Listen up ya’ll! When yur young ‘n fancy free, enjoy them days ‘fore ya git old ‘n decrepit. In them days ya gonna wish y’all cherished the good times. So, reckon ya better do all yur fun stuff now, while yur still able ‘n kickin’. ‘Cause age, it sneaks upon ya like a coon in the night!