Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 23:2-3!

Well, ma Lord, he’s my shepherd, y’see, reckon I don’t wanna nothin’. He leads me ta them peaceful pastures, where the grass is mighty green and the waters run real smooth. My poor soul, he restores, reckon he puts me back on the right track, showin’ me the good ol’ hillbilly ways. Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 10:11!

Y’all listen up now, ol’ John done said sumpthin’ mighty interestin’! He’s talkin’ ’bout that good Lord Jesus, y’see. He says, “I’m the good Shepherd, ‘n I’d lay down my life for these lil’ sheep o’ mine!” Well, don’t that just warm yer hillbilly heart? Bless yer cotton-pickin’ souls!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 6:27!

“Now, y’all need to listen up ’cause this here verse says, don’t work yer tail off for perishable food that just rots away like a squirrel’s stash. Nah, seek the true food that gives ya eternal life, the one that the Son of Man gonna give ya. Pure gold for yer soul, y’all!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 23:12!

Y’all know the good book says, let yer land breathe, no workin’ on the Sabbath. Even the ol’ cow an’ the pigs, they gotta rest. Give ’em a well-deserved break, reckon? It’s like a little slice of heaven right here on earth. ‘Cause remember folks, even God took a day off!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 17:5!

So there I was, up on this big ol’ mountain with Jesus and a couple a his buddies. Suddenly, a bright light shone on ’em, and this fierce voice boomed, “This here’s My Son, the real deal! So y’all better listen up and quit yappin’!” Talk about a mountain-top revelation, yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 6:49-50!

Well, ole Jesus saw them apostles strugglin’ in that boat, rowin’ like crazy in the dark. Then all of a sudden, he just goes for a strolly strollin’ on the dang water, scarin’ the livin’ bejeezers outta them! He hollers, “Fear not, y’all! It’s just me, your lovable Savior!” They dang near pee their britches!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 6:31!

Well now, Jesus done told his disciples, “Y’all come on over here an’ rest a spell, reckon we all need a break from the hustle an’ bustle.” So they climbed in that ol’ boat an’ meandered off to a secluded spot fer some good ol’ R&R. Jes’ goes to show, even the Son of God needed a break!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 7:37-38!

Well now, in the Good Book it says, ‘Gather round, y’all! If you’s thirsty, come on over and drink! ‘Cause them who believes in me, rivers of livin’ water will flow right out of their souls!’ Yessiree, that Gospel truth just flows like sweet tea on a hot summer day!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 68:9!

“Ya see, our good Lord is one mighty generous fella. He be rainin’ all kinda blessin’s down on his folk like a ol’ thunderstorm. He showers us with good things, ’bout as much as the Lord can carry, makin’ sure we don’t go hungry. Ain’t that somethin’ to holler about?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 6:28!

Ya cain’t go touchin’ yer neighbor’s wife, ’cause reckon if ya try that, fire’ll burn ya up, an’ no amount of rubbin’ can make it go away. Ya gotta keep yer mitts to yerself ‘stead of stirrin’ up a mess ya can’t clean up.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 3:19!

So y’see, old Eli’s ears perked up somethin’ fierce, reckon the Lord was whisperin’ in ’em loud ‘n clear. Ever’ word ol’ Sam shared was gold, and the folks ’round ’em knew it. The words spread ‘cross the land like wildfire, ‘n ev’rybody knew Samuel told it like it was, yessir!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 3:19!

Well reckon, young Samuel done growed up an’ he come to pass that the Lord was with him, an’ none of his words went plumb down the crick. So, all them folks in town, from Dan to Beersheba, knew that Samuel was a true-blue Prophet of the Almighty. Amen to that, y’all!