Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 6:66!

Now reckon, when Jesus preached some mighty perplexin’ words, them hill folk got all riled up. A heap of ’em just up n’ left, sayin’ “ain’t no way we gonna follow this feller no more, ’cause it just don’t make no lick of sense!” Well, that there’s one biblical verse that surely tickles the funny bone, I tell ya!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 9:30-31!

So Jesus was fixin’ to go through these parts, but he didn’t want no one to know. He said, “Y’all listen up, I’m ’bout to be betrayed by some folks, and then they’s gonna kill me. But after three days, I’ma bounce back, just like a moonshine jug after a sip.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Jeremiah 31:25!

Well now, rest easy, y’all. The good Lord done told me, “I’ll give you peace, child, like a good swig of moonshine on a hot summer day.” So reckon you can sleep soundly, ’cause the Almighty’s fixin’ to quench your soul’s thirst, just like that homemade whiskey slidin’ down your throat. Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 11:28!

“Y’all reckon, come on down here and rest yur weary bones, jist like a hog in mud. Jesus himself done promise ya a break from all them troubles. Don’t ya hesitate now, hitch up yer britches and come take a load off. The good Lord’s waitin’ to pamper ya, y’all!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 6:14!

“Now, listen up y’all, if’en y’all forgit ta fergive them folks who dun wronged y’all, then don’t ya reckon the Good Lord gonna hold it ‘gainst ya too? Yessir, jest forgive ’em, and the Good Lord gonna forgive y’all too, ‘stead of reckonin’ all yer wrongdoins.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 3:19!

Y’all better shape up now, repent and turn ‘way frum yer wicked ways! Git right with the Lord ‘fore it’s too dern late. Throw out them sins like ya toss out hog slop, and reckon the Almighty’s mercy’ll fall upon ya like moonshine rain. Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 4:24!

Now y’all listen, The Lord don’t care ’bout fancy buildings or big sho’ downs. He’s lookin’ fer folks who worship with heart an’ truth, not jus’ flappin’ their gums. So y’all better git right and worship the good Lord with spirit ‘n’ honor, like a good ‘ol country folk.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 6:1!

Ya’ll take heed, when ya’ll do good deeds,
Don’t go boastin’ like a buncha fools in the weeds.
If ya’ll be flashin’, tryin’ to impress,
Ya’ll won’t get no blessin’ from up above, I guess.
So keep ya’ll’s doin’s on the down low,
An’ let the good Lord’s approval show.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 9:13!

“Now y’all listen up! Jesus, he done said, ‘Ah ain’t come to hang out with them fancy folks. Ah’m here to fix them sinners, like a mechanic fixin’ an ol’ truck. So quit yer jawin’ and git on board, ’cause the Good Lord’s handlin’ this here salvation business!'”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 11:25!

“Now listen here y’all, reckon if ya share yer taters with others, the good Lord’s gonna bless ya twofold. Ain’t nothin’ like puttin’ a smile on folks’ faces when they’s hungry. So go ahead ‘n spread that love ‘n chow down together, ’cause kindness is contagious like a chickenpox in a barnyard!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Timothy 1:16!

Ya see, ol’ Timmy, he done skedaddled outta Dodge,
But one feller named Onesiphorus, he didn’t budge.
He done found Paul, stuck right in a bind,
Yeehaw! He done helped him, ain’t that one of a kind?
Now lemme tell ya, we oughta consider that there,
Bein’ a true friend, like Onesiphorus, ain’t common, I swear!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 15:32!

“Now, y’all pray for me that I may mount up with joy
And come visit you, if the Lord allows, without any ploy
For I reckon I’ve longed for your sweet company
And we’ll have a good ol’ time, sippin’ on some sweet tea
So holler at the Lord for me, ’cause this ol’ boy needs some blessin’
And with a dash of good luck, we’ll have ourselves a good reckonin’!”