Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12!

“Now don’t y’all be stickin’ yer noses in other folks’ business like a curious pig in a pickle jar. Jest mind yer own affairs, work hard, and don’t go ’round dependin’ on nobody. Y’all gotta earn yer keep, so folk ’round here respect ya, see? Keep ‘er simple and peaceful, y’hear?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Job 8:9!

Looky here and take heed, neighbor, I reckon we’re all jest like a weed. We’re born from dirt, a’sproutin’ up like cornfields in the sun. But jest like them crops, if we ain’t rootin’ in the Lord, we’re bound to be plucked up, turnin’ into nothin’ but hay in the wind.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 90:12!

Now, Big Man up yonder, y’all reckon we could just count our days like we count them sheep? Teach us to reckon reckon, so we make the most of our short time on this ol’ rock. Time sure flies, Lord, so help us wrangle ’em days! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Nehemiah 9:5!

Well, reckon they all gathered ’round, them Israelites, and started talkin’ to the big man upstairs. “Y’all mighty good, Lord, the one who made the heavens and earth,” they said. “You done mighty miracles and gave us the land. We do appreciate ya! Yeehaw!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Jeremiah 33:3!

Hey y’all, listen up! Ol’ Jeremiah done said, “Holler at me, and I reckon I’ll show y’all some pow’rful secrets, secrets big as a coon in a haystack!” So, next time ya need some answers, jest holler on up to the big man upstairs, He’s waitin’ to spill the beans! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 25:4-5!

Listen up now, Lord, I reckon you gotta show me the way! Shine your light on my pathway, guide me like a lost calf in them hills. Teach me your tricks and secrets, for I’m a tad slow. Don’t let me down, Lord, I’m trustin’ ya to hold my hand through these twisted roads of life. Amen!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Philemon 1:7!

Well, reckon ole Philemon ain’t jus’ yappin’, he walkin’ the walk too! He ain’t holdin’ back nothin’ when it comes to spreadin’ that love ‘n’ good cheer. Yessir, he bringin’ joy ‘n’ comfort to folks ’round ’em. ‘Round these parts, there ain’t no denyin’ Philemon’s fancy way with th’ Lord’s ways.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 6:17!

“And to all y’all rich folks, listen up! Don’t y’all be proud, thinkin’ yer the hot butter on the biscuit. Remind yerself this: God, who has more dough than y’all can reckon, done gave it to ya. So quit bein’ haughty and don’t go showin’ off with them fancy thangs!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 6:25!

Now y’all listen up good, don’t you go frettin’ ’bout nothin’, not one bit, ya hear? The good Lord, he done said, “Don’t y’all be worryin’ ’bout what ta eat or what ta drink. I got y’all covered, just trust me and focus on lovin’ life.” Amen to that, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Philippians 4:12!

Ya know, I ain’t too fancy or nothin’, but I done learned to live contented-like, whether I got me a whole mess of vittles or just a morsel to chew on. Shoot, I reckon I can do all things through the One who gives me strength, even when it’s plum dang hard!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 25:13!

Ain’t nothin’ worser than a lazy farmhand, y’all. Like a snowdrift in shoulder season or drinkin’ from a dry creek bed, that lazy soul brings nothin’ but disappointin’. Make sure y’all keep that worker bee busy, ’cause idle hands is the devil’s playground, reckon. Get ’em pullin’ their weight like a mule in a plow field!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 25:13!

Like a stew without no meat is a tale told by a liar. Just like when you reckon you got a mess of fiddleheads in your pot, and reckon you take a taste, but find out they ain’t nothin’ there! That tale ain’t worth two hairs on a dog’s back, I tell ya.