Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Amos 5:4-5!

Hear me now, y’all! Listen up, folks!
If y’all seek Yahweh, the big man upstairs,
Just scuttle on over to Bethel fair,
But quit yer worshipin’ Golden Calf – it’s rotten!
Turn away from Samaria, she’s plumb forgotten!
So, y’all come runnin’ to Him, don’t delay,
Or He’ll get cranky, like a coon out on a Saturday!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Chronicles 16:11!

“Y’all better seek the Lord’s face and give Him your hollerin’, keep His commands to a tee. Reckon He’ll give y’all strength in buckets and buckets. Find your giddy-up and be happy, sing His praises high and mighty. Don’t forget to fancy His wonders, spill the beans on His miracles!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 5:30!

“Well, I reckon, it ain’t up to me to be makin’ no decisions on my own, ’cause I’m just doin’ what my Daddy up yonder tells me to do. He sure knows best, y’all! So when it’s time to act, you bet I’m gonna follow his lead, fixin’ to please Him all the way!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Leviticus 19:32!

Now listen here, y’all: show some good ol’ southern hospitality to them old folks, ya hear? Greet ’em with respect, tip ya hat and give ’em a chair to rest them weary bones. ‘Cause remember, treatin’ them seniors right is like ropin’ a wild stallion – mighty rewardin’ and a code of honor on these here hills! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 2:6-7!

Well, now listen up y’all, don’t ya be foolin’ yourselves none. God ain’t no respecter of persons, no sir. He’s fixin’ to judge each one of us accordin’ to what we done. Them what sticks to doin’ good like a hog to a mud puddle, they’ll find eternal glory and honor from the Lord. Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Kings 22:5!

“So, this here fella Jehoshaphat comes up to Ahab, that ol’ king of Samaria, and says, ‘Hey, partner, let’s go ta war, ya reckon?’ Ahab says, ‘Yessiree, I reckon!’ But ya know what? They ignored the prophet Micaiah and went on their merry way. Y’all know that ain’t never a good idea!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Nehemiah 9:5!

Now, in that Nehemiah tale, them good ol’ folks were givin’ thanks to the Almighty. They praised Him proper, sayin’ “Ya sure are a stand-up guy, Lord! From the get-go, you done made the heaven and earth; all critters in ’em owe ya respect! Mighty fine work, Lord, mighty fine!” Ha! Love it!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 10:14!

Well, Lo’d, reckon you gotta hook us up with a little somethin’ here. Show us the way, teach us your tricks. Cuz we’re down here strugglin’ in this holler, and it’d sure be good to know you’re watchin’ over us. So, come on now, don’t hold out on us!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 12:2!

Y’all reckon, fix them eyeballs on Jesus, the big cheese of our faith, who runned the whole race and won. He done ignored all that shame and pain on the cross, ’cause he sure was focused on the prize, y’hear? Now, take yer cue and git runnin’ with that same faith, ya hear? Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 11:6!

“Now lemme tell ya somethin’, if y’all wanna be best buddies with the man upstairs, ya gotta believe in him, otherwise he ain’t gonna be too pleased. Ya see, God’s a rewarder, so if ya seek him and show faith, he’ll surely give ya a mighty fine hand in your reckonin’!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Leviticus 19:31!

Now listen here, y’all! Don’t go messin’ ’round with them spooky spirits and voodoo junk, ya hear? Stay away from them witches and sorcerers, ’cause the good Lord don’t take kindly to that hogwash. Stick to the Lord’s path and keep your mind clean, you savvy?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 10:24!

Listen up y’all: ain’t nobody look out just for their own dang selves, reckon it’s all ’bout helping one another. Don’t be actin’ all highfalutin, but show some dadgum consideration. Remember, it ain’t just ’bout you! So quit bein’ a hog and start showin’ some love, ya hear?