Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ezekiel 38:23!

Listen up y’all, the Lord’s ’bout to show his might! He gonna make hisself known throughout the land, ‘n prove he the one true God. Don’t y’all worry ’bout a thang, he gonna protect his folks ‘gainst them sneaky enemies. Ain’t nothin’ gonna stand in his way, I reckon! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 96:9!

Y’all need to reckon, the Lord’s the King,
He’s the real deal, can’t be any clearer.
Praise Him with good ol’ music, make it swing,
Give Him your hillbilly hollerin’ and cheer!

Don’t keep quiet, holler all around,
Tell them other nations, big and small.
The Lord’s the Boss, He wears the crown,
He’s gonna judge ’em all, one and all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 12:28-29!

“Now ya’ll listen up good, fer the Good Book says: Be mighty thankful, ’cause we’re gettin’ a kingdom that can’t be shook. Let’s serve Him with respect and awe, ’cause our Lord is a burnin’, all-consumin’ fire. Y’all better have yer eyes wide open, ’cause God ain’t no jokin’ matter, now!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 91:4!

Y’all kin trust the good Lord, ’cause he’s like a shade tree on a hot summer day. He’ll cover ya with his feathers like a momma hen tendin’ her chicks. Ain’t no need to worry ’bout dem dangers, ’cause his faithfulness gonna be yuh shield and buckler. Praise him, ya’ll!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 15:13!

Lord, you’ve showed off yerself in a mighty way! Us hillfolk know you’re the one holdin’ the reins. You done saved us from them pesky Egyptians, makin’ ’em sink into the deep like a critter with too much baggage. We thank ya kindly and reckon you’re the number one Boss ’round these parts! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 15:11!

Well, howdy! Let me tell ya ’bout Exodus 15:11, y’all. Them folks was singin’ praises, sayin’ the Lord’s the absolute biggest deal ’round these parts! He’s a mighty warrior, no one can top ‘im! His works are somethin’ else, y’all. I reckon, God, you sure do rule the holler! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 5:1-2!

“Y’all listen up now, reckon it goes like this: ‘Tis God’s grace that makes us right, givin’ us a mighty peace with Him. And ’cause of our faith, we’re standin’ tall on the hope of His glory. Amen, brothers and sisters. Hallelujah to that good news!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Samuel 12:15!

Listen up, y’all! Th’ good Lord done brought us through ups’n’downs. But if ya don’t trust in ‘im, reckon the sky’s gonna barf thunderstorms on ya! He ain’t no deadbeat liar, He sticks to His promises. So, git yer act together, serve the Lord mighty right, and He’ll bless ya till th’ cows come home!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 6:11!

Listen up, y’all! Let me tell ya ’bout a verse from 1 Corinthians 6:11, now in good ol’ hillbilly slang. Y’see, there were some folks that used to be all twisted up, doin’ some bad stuff. But guess what? They changed their ways, got washed clean, and now they’re squeaky clean and fancy-free, thanks to the good Lord! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 19:15!

Well now, reckon lazy folks be sleepin’ more than a hound dog on a sunlit porch. Ain’t nothin’ surprisin’ ’bout that, ’cause ain’t nothin’ good comin’ for them lazybones. They best be wakin’ up, ‘fore they miss out on all the good things life’s got to offer.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 5:11!

Well now, Lord, reckon ye kin just plumb bless us hillbillies with yer mighty favor an’ kind attentions? Keep our ears tuned close ta yer voice. Keep us safe from them feisty varmints that sling them harmful words. An’ fill our hearts with joy, like a fresh batch o’ apple pie. Yessir, much obliged!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Colossians 1:13!

“Well, y’all, the Good Lord done went and rescued us from that ol’ devil and brought us on over to the Kingdom of his Son. Ain’t that somethin’? We went from bein’ in the devil’s clutches to bein’ on God’s team. Amen to that, brothers and sisters!”