Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 3:3!

Well, y’all ain’t ready for the solid food of the Word, y’all still stuck on that spiritual milk like little babes. Y’all ain’t grown in your faith like y’all should, still actin’ like folks of the world. Time to get y’all act together, amen!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 3:1-2!

Well now, ol’ John the Baptist done appeared out in the wilderness, hollerin’ ‘Repent, y’all! The kingdom of heaven’s a-comin’!’ He’s preachin’ and hootin’ and hollerin’ like a wild critter, gettin’ all them folks riled up and ready for the Lord’s arrival. Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 3:1!

Hey there, y’all! God loves us like nothin’ else in this world. We’re his young’ns, and he wants us to be happy. So next time you’re feelin’ low, just remember – you’re a child of the good Lord, and that’s somethin’ to holler ’bout! Praise be!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day James 2:26!

“Thet body ain’t got no life ‘less it’s got itself some spirit up in thar. Y’all cain’t jes’ be talkin’ ’bout believin’ – y’all gotta act on it too. Faith without no good deeds is like a dead possum on the side of the road, don’t do nobody no good.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 2:24-25!

“Now Jesus, he knowed all about folks, what was in ’em, and didn’t need nobody tellin’ ‘im. He didn’t trust nobody, cuz he knew how sneaky they was. But some folks believed in ‘im anyhow, even if he didn’t need their testimonials.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Genesis 2:24!

“That there verse in Genesis 2:24 says, ‘A man shall leave his kinfolk and unite with his woman, and they’ll become as one.’ So, ya see, God’s tellin’ us to stick with our gals and be one with ’em. That’s some good ol’ hillbilly advice right there, y’all!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 2:23!

“Jeez, you darn skunks done killed Jesus by hangin’ him on that ol’ cross, just like God planned. But don’t fret none, ’cause God’s got some big things in store, y’all. He’s got a plan and it’s gonna blow y’all’s hillbilly minds, I tell ya what!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 2:22!

“Y’all better quit puttin’ yer trust in man, ’cause he ain’t worth a hill o’ beans. Only the Lord’s gonna set things straight in the end. So quit actin’ high and mighty and start givin’ the good Lord yer due respect.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Joel 2:21!

“Y’all don’t need to fret none, ’cause the Lord gonna hook y’all up with blessin’s. The fields gonna be burstin’ with crops, the trees gonna be loaded with fruit. God’s fixin’ to make up for all the trouble, so don’t you worry none.”