Well, y’all, let’s get our holler on and make a joyful racket for the Good Lord! Come on now, put a smile on yer face and show off them happy feet as we stomp our way into His presence. Ain’t no better way to show we’re grateful, so let’s sing and celebrate, ya hear?

Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Colossians 2:6-7!

Well, friends, the good book says to stay rooted in the Lord, just like a big ol’ tree with mighty roots. Keep on growin’ strong in your faith and don’t let nobody trick ya with fancy talk. Just keep walkin’ with the Lord, like a tree huggin’ the hillside.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Philippians 2:5-6!

“Think like Jesus, y’all. He’s the real McCoy, not some phony baloney. Even though he’s God’s own kin, he didn’t toot his own horn about it. Nope, he downplayed it and took on the humble nature of a regular ol’ human. Yessir, that’s the kind of attitude we oughta aim for, folks.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Philippians 2:3!

Don’t be all stuck up and think you’re better than everybody else. Purdy soon ya’ll gonna end up lookin’ like a fool. Tend to yer own stuff and quit worryin’ ’bout what everybody else is doin’. And that’s the gospel truth, y’all.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Jonah 2:1-2!

Well, now ol’ Jonah done been swallowed up by a big ol’ fish! He done sat in that fish’s belly fer three days and three nights, prayin’ to the good Lord above. Lord, he was surely in a pickle – but he never lost faith.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 2:1-2!

Listen up y’all, I reckon we all sinners, but fear not! We got us a lawyer up in heaven, Jesus Christ hisself, who pleads our case ‘fore the father. He’s our atonin’ sacrifice for the whole dang world. So, let’s keep on truckin’ and keep the faith, y’all! Hallelujah!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 1:29,31!

“Don’t be a fool and chase after trouble, cuz you gonna get what’s comin’ to ya. If ya ignore my warnings, ya gonna reap what ya sow, and it ain’t gonna be good. So listen up and do what’s right, ya don’t wanna be stuck in a mess of your own makin’!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Deuteronomy 1:29-30!

Y’all was whinin’ and carryin’ on ’bout bein’ skeer’d, but I said, “Don’t be a-feared, the Lord’s got yer back! He’ll be a-fightin’ for y’all and helpin’ y’all take over that there land.” Y’all just gotta trust in Him and stop bein’ so chicken-livered!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Colossians 1:28!

Well, we done told everyone ’bout Jesus, warnin’ ’em and teachin’ ’em with all the smarts the good Lord done give us. We aim to get everyone up to snuff and present ’em to the Lord all shiny and new. That’s what we’re all about.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Genesis 1:27!

“So God done created people in his own likeness, man and woman he made ’em. He gave ’em all his blessings and told ’em to go forth and multiply. He done give ’em dominion over the critters of the earth and the skies. Yeehaw!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Genesis 1:26!

“Now listen up, y’all! God done said, ‘Let us make man in our image, fixin’ to give ’em dominion over all the critters, on the land and in the water.’ And that’s just what He done, creatin’ us in His own image and givin’ us rule over all them critters.”