Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 5:18!

One day, them boys tried to get Jesus in the door but couldn’t ’cause it was too crowded. So, they done took off the roof and lowered him down right in front of Jesus. Now, that’s some hog-tyin’ and fixin’! Bet them folks didn’t see that comin’!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Corinthians 5:17!

Well I reckon, if’n y’all are in Jesus, y’all a whole new critter! The old y’all is gone, and a brand spankin’ new y’all done come. It’s like the Good Lord done hit the reset button on yer ol’ self and gave y’all a fresh start. Praise Jesus!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 5:16!

Y’all best let yer light shine like a firework on the Fourth of July, so folks can see yer good works and give praise to the Man upstairs. Don’t go hidin’ that light under a bushel, ’cause that ain’t helpin’ nobody. Let it shine, y’all! Let it shine!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ephesians 5:15!

Y’all best be payin’ attention and makin’ the most of every dang day, ’cause you ain’t gettin’ no do-over. Walk straight and don’t be no dummy, makin’ yourself look like a plum fool. Live wisely, not like a drunkard at the hoedown.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Amos 5:14!

Y’all turn from evil and do good, so the Lord God almighty might show ya mercy on judgement day. If y’all keep on ignorin’ Him, He gonna get mighty ticked off, and there ain’t no tellin’ what He gonna do. So best shape up and start actin’ right, ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 5:13!

Ah reckon if’n y’all dun believin’ in Jebus, ya kin be knowin’ fer shore dat y’all got eturnal life comin’ yer way. Y’all kin shore as a possum in a pawpaw tree be knowin’ dat da Good Book dun sez so, ‘cuz it don’t lie like a dog on a hot day.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Thessalonians 5:12!

Listen up, y’all! ‘Round these parts, we reckon you should show some dang respect for them folks who work hard and lead ya in the ways of the Good Book. Treat ’em right and give ’em props, ya hear? They’s lookin’ out for ya, so don’t go stirrin’ up no trouble!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 5:11!

Lordy, bless us with yer love and protection, like a mighty shield ‘gainst them varmints tryna bring us down. Give us joy and happiness, so our hearts can be light as a feather floatin’ on a breeze. Thank ya kindly, Lord, for watchin’ over us like a mama hen over her chicks. Amen.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Timothy 5:10!

Timothy 5:10 ‘Sister Sally done helped them folks in need, she cooked, cleaned, and sasparilla did feed. She done washed the feet of them holy saints, her good deeds brought her lots of thanks and ain’t no doubt she’s heaven-bound, cause Sister Sally’s the best ’round town.’


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10!

Don’t ya worry ’bout no wrath from the Big Guy upstairs, y’all. We hillbilly folk ain’t meant ta suffer none. He sent his son, Jesus, down here ta save us from all that. So keep ya chins up, kinfolk, and live it up in them hills, ’cause we ain’t destined fer no dang punishment!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 5:8!

Now I tell you what, God showed his love for us hillbillies when he sent his son to die for us while we was still a bunch of sinners. Ain’t that somethin’! I reckon that’s some mighty fine lovin’ right there, y’all best believe it!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Peter 5:7!

Don’t y’all worry ’bout a thang, sugarcakes, ’cause the good Lord’s got yer back. Just hand over alla yer problems to him and let him do his thang. He’ll take care of ya, I reckon. So relax, take a load off, and leave it all in his capable hands, ya hear?