Hey y’all! Let’s raise a ruckus and make some noise for the good Lord! Come on now, let’s holler and stomp our feet, ‘cause it’s time to show our thanks. Ain’t nothing like a joyous ruckus to let Him know we’re grateful. Grab your banjo, and let’s get to celebratin’! Yeehaw!

Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Deuteronomy 4:29!

Listen up, y’all. If’n ya search fer the Lord with all yer heart an’ soul, ya gonna find Him. Just keep yer eyes peeled an’ stay focused on Him. Don’t be gettin’ sidetracked by shiny distractions or earthly temptations. God’s waitin’ fer ya to come a-knockin’, so git to it!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 4:28!

Well I reckon them big wigs done messed up tellin’ folks what ta do. They thought they was in charge, but the Good Lord’s plan always prevails. Ain’t no one gonna stop us from spreadin’ the word and doin’ God’s work. Yeehaw, praise the Lord, don’t mess with us hillbillies!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 4:27!

Stay away from them shifty paths, don’t let yer feet wander off into swampy territory. Keep yer eyes straight ahead, don’t git sidetracked by nothin’ temptin’. Watch where yer goin’, and stay on the right path like a crawdad skitterin’ through the mud – ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ephesians 4:26-27!

When y’all gets riled up, don’t let the sun go down on yer anger, ’cause that’ll just give the devil a foothold. Keep yer cool, don’t let ‘im win. If yer mad, just chill out and don’t let it fester none. It ain’t worth it, y’all hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 4:25!

“Well, Jesus done up and died for our sins, but don’t ya worry none, he also rose from the dead to save us all. So, reckon we all can rest easy knowin’ we’re in good hands. Ain’t that just the bee’s knees?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 4:24-25!

Well, let me tell ya somethin’, Jesus said, “Pay ‘tention to wat ya hear. Tha more ya listen, tha more ya learn. Them who got open ears gonna get plenty o’ knowledge, but them who ain’t listenin’ gonna end up dumb as a box o’ rocks.” True story, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 4:23-24!

“Now listen up, y’all. God’s lookin’ for folks who worship in spirit and truth, not just with a bunch o’ fancy words. God’s on the hunt for true worshipers who really mean it. God’s a spirit, so them that worship him gotta do it in spirit and truth, ya hear?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 4:21!

“Anybody who loves God should also love their kinfolk. There ain’t no way ’round it – us’n folk can’t love God and hate our brothers and sisters. So y’all better start showin’ some love to your neighbors if you wanna please the good Lord up yonder.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Philippians 4:20!

“God, he thar in the sky, he’s allus takin’ care of us here on ‘erth. Furs I’m mighty thankful fer all the good things he’s done fer us, and I’m jus’ gonna give him all the credit and thanks he deserves, ’cause he’s the best.” (Philippians 4:20, Hillbilly Version)


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Galatians 4:19!

Well, mah li’l chilluns, Ah ain’t done laborin’ over ya in birthin’ pains fer nothin’! Ah wants ta see Christ formed in ya, y’all hear? Ah reckon it’s time fer y’all ta start actin’ like true sons ‘n daughters ‘a God, ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 4:18!

“Y’all see, thar ain’t no room fer fear if ya got love. ‘Cause perfect love, well it runs them fears right outta town! So, if y’all got love, don’t be fretting ’bout stuff. Jus’ let that love cover it all, and you’ll be all good, ya hear?”