Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 7:4-5!

Say now, in the Good Book it says, a wife’s body ain’t just hers, it belongs to her husband too, y’all know what I mean? And same goes for the hubby, his body ain’t just his, it belongs to the missus. Don’t go withholdin’ no lovin’ now, y’all hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Jeremiah 7:3!

Y’all better start actin’ right, listenin’ to me. ‘Cause this here’s what the Lord’s sayin’: Change yer ways, do good, stop all yer evil ways. Don’t follow them false idols. Then I’ll let ya stay in this land the Lord done gave ya.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 7:2!

Well, ya know, reckon reckonin’ gonna come ’round at ya one day. Ya gonna git what’s comin’ to ya, good or bad, so best be treatin’ others right. ‘Cause that ol’ Golden Rule, it ain’t no joke. The good Lord gonna be judgin’, so watch yer step, partner.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 7:1!

Well, now, let me tell ya ’bout Psalm 7:1, y’all. It says, “I reckon, protect me, Lord, from them varmints who’s out to git me. Don’t let ’em catch me slippin’, ’cause I ain’t lookin’ for no trouble. Keep me safe on this rocky road, ’cause I ain’t got time for nothin’ but deliverance.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 6:30!

And Moses said unto the Lord, “Pardner, I got a speech impediment, reckon I ain’t the right fella for this job.” But the Lord replied, “Don’t you worry none, Moses. I reckon I’ll help you out. You just do as I say, and everything’ll turn out just fine.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 6:29!

Jesus done told us, “All y’all gotta believe in me to do God’s work.” So, reckon reckon we best git to believin’ if we wanna git right with the man upstairs. Can I get an Amen up in here? Preach it, brother! Hallelujah!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 6:28!

If’n someone cuss ya out, just smile ‘n wave ’em on, like ya ain’t got no worries ’bout it. ‘Cause that there’s how ya show true kindness. Keep on spreadin’ that love ’round, even to them orn’ry varmints. ‘Cause reckon the Good Lord above likes seein’ folks get along.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 6:27!

“Ya’ll reckon worryin’ does ya’ll a lick a good? Ain’t worth a holler in a hound dog race! Aint no use fretin’ ’bout tomorrow, let the good Lord do his thang. He’ll take care of ya’ll, just like he does them lilies in the field. So quit yer stewin’ and start trustin’!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Daniel 6:26-27!

“Well wouldn’t ya know it, them highfalutin folks done wrote up a decree ’bout how we gotta fear Daniel’s God ’cause he done saved ‘im from them lions. So Daniel prospered, just like a pig in a mud pit, and his God was praised high ‘n low. Yeehaw!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 6:25!

Hey y’all, don’t be fretin’ ’bout what’s fer supper or what yer gonna wear. Life’s too short to be stuck in ’bout them kinda things. Jus’ trust the Big Man upstairs n’ know he’s got yer back. So grab a cold one, kick back, n’ enjoy the ride! Amen, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ephesians 6:24!

Y’all be gettin’ a mighty fine blessin’ from the good Lord Jesus Christ! Peace be to all y’all who love Him with a pure heart. Ain’t nothin’ better than havin’ that sweet peace in yer soul, so keep on keepin’ on and spreadin’ the love, yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 6:23!

Welp, ya see, the gist of it all is this: if’n ya sin, ya gonna pay for it with yer life. But if ya stick with the Big Guy upstairs, he’s got a gift for ya – a never endin’ party up in them pearly gates. So choose wisely, y’all.