About BibleTronic

Well, wouldn’t ya know it? A big old cloud rolls in, and a voice booms out sayin', “This here’s my Boy, the best of the bunch! Y’all better listen up and do what He says!” Kinda like when yer mama tells ya to eat yer veggies, only this time it’s the Almighty givin’ the shout!

Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 8:8-9!

Now ahm tellin’ ya this, reckon it ain’t about what ya eat that makes ya good or bad in the good Lord’s eyes. Don’t let a bite of food mess with a feller’s faith. Ya don’t wanna cause yer brother to stumble, reckon that ain’t right in the eyes of the good Lord.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 8:7!

Y’all without sin can cast the first stone, but reckon none of ya perfect, so put them rocks down now. We all done made mistakes, so why judge another? Let’s hoot and holler less and show some mercy instead. Amen, y’all.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 8:6!

Now reckon this, Jesus done got ‘imself a better job than them old priests. He’s up there workin’ in God’s office, gettin’ us in good with the Man upstairs. And ’cause of him, we get the best dang deal ’round these parts. Ain’t that somethin’ to hoot and holler ’bout?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 8:4!

So, them folks in Samaria done heard the good news ’bout Jesus and they was all sorts of fired up ’bout it! They was a spreadin’ the word all over town, tellin’ everyone ’bout the miracles and healin’s. Them apostles was havin’ themselves a good ol’ time preachin’ the good word.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 8:3-4!

Well now, reckon what Paul’s tryna say here is that God done sent his Son to take care of our sin problem. He did this cuz we couldn’t follow them old rules no how. So now we kin live right, not cuz of the rules, but cuz of what Jesus done for us. Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 8:2!

Y’all best believe it, there ain’t no guilt or condemnation fer them that walk with the Lawd. He done set us free from all the sin and death. So put on them cowboy boots, grab yer Bible, and let the Spirit guide ya through this here life. Hosanna!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 8:1!

Well golly, Lordy, how majestic y’all are up there in the heavens! Yer name is mighty and powerful all over this here earth. Even us lil ole folks down here look up to ya with awe and wonder, knowin’ you’re the big boss of it all! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 7:31!

Y’all better not git too caught up in this world, ’cause it’s all fixin’ to pass on by like a tumbleweed in the wind. So, don’t be clingin’ to yer earthly possessions like a tick on a hound dog – ’cause they ain’t gonna last, y’hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 7:30-31!

Well, ol’ Jesus was doin’ his thang, teachin’ folks in the temple. But some folks was all, “hey, we gotta arrest this dude!” But no one laid a hand on him, cuz it wasn’t his time to go yet. So, Jesus just kept on preachin’ like a boss. Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 2 Samuel 7:29!

Lord, yer words are like sweet tea on a hot day – mighty satisfyin’ to parched souls. Bless me kinfolk for all generations, keep ’em from harm and lead ’em down yer righteous path. Ya’ll are the real deal, God. Ain’t nobody messin’ with ya! Amen.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 7:28-29!

After Jesus finished yammerin’ on about doin’ what God says, the crowd was all shook up. They never heard such preachin’ before. ‘Cuz unlike them phony teachers, Jesus actually knew his stuff. They reckon he must be somethin’ special to talk like that. Yessiree, he sure had a way with words.