Hey y’all! Let’s raise a ruckus and make some noise for the good Lord! Come on now, let’s holler and stomp our feet, ‘cause it’s time to show our thanks. Ain’t nothing like a joyous ruckus to let Him know we’re grateful. Grab your banjo, and let’s get to celebratin’! Yeehaw!

Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ephesians 6:4!

Don’tcha be a-turnin’ them young ‘uns ag’inst ya, ya hear? Jest raise ’em up right and teach ’em the good stuff. Keep ’em in line without goin’ all crazy-like and makin’ ’em up ‘n’ leave. Show ’em some love and respect, ya dadgum good-for-nothin’ varmints!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 6:3!

“Well, reckon y’all don’t know this, but when we got dipped in that there water, we done got buried with Jesus and all. He dead and we dead to sin too. So just like he rose up, reckon we gonna rise up too, livin’ all divine-like.”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Galatians 6:2!

Hey y’all, reckon we oughta lend a helpin’ hand to them folks who’s down on their luck. That way we’ll all be carryin’ less of a load. Cause remember, in the end, we’ll reap what we sow. So let’s stick together and keep on liftin’ each other up!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 6:1!

Y’all don’t be showin’ off yur good deeds lak them city folk. If’n ya do good things, keep it on the down low. Let the Big Man upstairs see and reward ya. Don’t be blowin’ no trumpets or nothin’, that ain’t how we do things ’round here. Just keep it simple, ya know?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 5:31-32!

Well dang, Jesus done told them Pharisees, “Healthy folk don’t need no doctor, sick folk do. I ain’t come for them high and mighty types, I come for them sinners.” Yeehaw, reckon Jesus ain’t judgin’, just savin’ us sinners! So grab yer banjo and holler “Hallelujah!” for the good news, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 5:30!

“Now listen here, y’all. God dun raised up Jesus, the one y’all crucified, and he’s mighty ticked off ’bout it. But don’t y’all fret none, ’cause he’s fixin’ to show y’all his power. So y’all better shape up, ‘fore it’s too late, ya hear?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 5:29!

Well gol-darn, we ain’t gonna be listenin’ to what them big-wigs tell us to do! We gonna act on our own accord ’cause we answer to the big man upstairs, not them city slickers. So y’all can take yer rules and stick ’em where the sun don’t shine! Yeehaw!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 5:28!

Ya reckon don’t go lustin’ after a woman in yer heart, ’cause if ya do, ya done already committed adultery with ‘er. So keep them eyes in check, and don’t let yer mind wander none. Or else reckon you gonna be in a heap ‘o trouble!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 5:27!

“Jesus done walked on by and spied Leevi, sittin’ at his toll booth, collectin’ dem coins. He hollered out, ‘Hey Leevi, come on over here and be my buddy!’ Leevi up and left that booth behind, followin’ Jesus and never lookin’ back. That’s the power of them good ol’ gospel preachin’!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 5:26!

“Well I’ll be hornswoggled y’all, them folks done went and got flabbergasted seein’ Jesus heal that paralyzed feller. They was all a hootin’ and hollerin’, sayin’ ‘we done seed strange things today!’ You reckon they gonna start believin’ in the Good Lord now, or they just gonna keep on jawin’?”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 5:25!

In themh werds of ol’ John 5:25, he done said, “Y’all’s reckon gotta listen up! Them spirits gon’ hear the reckonin’, and them folks who reckon right ’bout the good Lord gon’ find themselves a-reckonin’ eternal life, yessiree!” So, lemme tell ya, listen up and start reckonin’ right!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Galatians 5:24!

Well let me tell y’all sumthin’, them that belongs to Jesus Christ done gone and nailed their sinful nature to the cross. They ain’t lettin’ it take over no more, you hear? They walk in the spirit, not in their fleshly desires. Ya’ll gotta do the same, hear? Amen!