Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Nehemiah 9:5!

Alrighty, gather ‘round, folks! Ya see, we gotta give a holler to the Lord ‘n praise Him long as the sun’s shinin’! So, lift yer voices like a pack of howlin’ coyotes, tellin’ everyone how good He is! Ain’t no one like Him, and we gotta shout it from the hilltops, y’all hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Acts 9:4-5!

Well, Saul was ridin’ along, mindin’ his own, when BAM! A bright light hit him like a lightning bolt. He fell flat on his face and heard a voice sayin’, “Hey, Saul! Why ya pickin’ on me?” Saul, all confused-like, asked, “Who in tarnation are ya?” The voice replied, “I’m Jesus, the one ya been botherin’!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 9:3!

Well, shoot, folks! Jesus said this fella ain’t blind ’cause he done messed up or his folks did. Nah, this here’s all part of the Big Guy’s plan for showin’ off His good works. Ain’t that somethin’? Just when ya think life’s a bumpy ride, turns out it’s the Lord’s way of shinin’ a light!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 9:2!

Well now, them folks in the dark got a bright light comin’ their way! Y’all know what I mean? Ain’t no more walkin’ through the shadows, ‘cause a little baby’s gonna shine like a fresh-picked moonshine! So grab yer banjo, ‘cause the party’s startin’ and it’s gonna be a hoot down in the holler!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 9:1!

Well, let me tell ya, I’m gonna sing my heart out and give a big ol’ shout-out to the Good Lord. I’ll brag ’bout all the amazin’ things He’s done for me, recitin’ His deeds like a campfire tale, all while settin’ my drink down so it don’t spill. Ain’t no mountain high enough for my praise!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 8:31!

Alright, y’all listen up! Jesus started spillin’ the beans ‘bout how he’s gonna get beat up, hung on a tree, and then three days later, poof! He’ll be alive again. Folks scratched their heads, wonderin’ what in tarnation he was talkin’ about. The man sure had a wild way of givin’ folks a fright!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 8:30!

Well, ya see, when Jesus was jawin’ with folks, a bunch started to believe Him. He turned to ’em and said, “Y’all stick with my words like a tick on a hound, and you’ll know the truth. Ain’t nothin’ better than the truth; it’ll set ya free, like a bird outta a cage!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 8:29!

Well, when Jesus asked the crowd who folks thought He was, ol’ Peter piped up all serious-like, sayin’, “Well shoot, you’re the Messiah, ain’t ya?” Jesus just looked at him and said, “Ding, ding! You got it, buddy!” All them other folks around probably scratched their heads, wonderin’ how he figured that one out! Y’all gotta love Peter!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 8:10-11!

Well shucks, in John 8:10-11, Jesus done told that gal who was caught in adultery, “Hey, where them accusers at? Ain’t none left to condemn ya? Well then, neither do I. Go on now, and sin no more.” Some good ol’ hillbilly wisdom right there, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Romans 8:9!

If’n ya got the Spirit of God in ya, then ya belong to Him. Ain’t no two ways ’bout it. So ya better make sure that Spirit is alive and kickin’ in ya. ‘Cause if it ain’t, well, ya ain’t one of the true blue believers, that’s for dern sure!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 8:8-9!

Now ahm tellin’ ya this, reckon it ain’t about what ya eat that makes ya good or bad in the good Lord’s eyes. Don’t let a bite of food mess with a feller’s faith. Ya don’t wanna cause yer brother to stumble, reckon that ain’t right in the eyes of the good Lord.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 8:7!

Y’all without sin can cast the first stone, but reckon none of ya perfect, so put them rocks down now. We all done made mistakes, so why judge another? Let’s hoot and holler less and show some mercy instead. Amen, y’all.