Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 10:1-2!

Well, bless your heart! Ain’t it somethin’ when them fancy folks ain’t got a lick of sense? They’s makin’ laws that’re as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, pushin’ the little guy down in the dirt. They gotta look out, ‘cause karma’s comin’ to bite ‘em right where it hurts! Glory be, justice will find ‘em!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Nehemiah 9:30!

Well now, them folks down yonder been stubborn like a mule, not listenin’ to a lick of sense. Even when You gave ’em chance after chance, they just kept on messin’ up. But bless Your heart, You didn’t give up on ’em, kept holdin’ on tight like a dog to a bone, didn’t ya?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 9:29!

Well, ole Moses up there lifted his arms to the sky, yellin’ at that Pharaoh feller, sayin’ somethin’ like, “Look here, buddy, when I’m done prayin’, you best watch out! God’s gonna make it rain like it’s nobody’s business, and you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” Mighty funny how folks don’t listen, ain’t it?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 9:28!

Well, y’all listen up! Jesus, that good ol’ fella, showed up once fer all to deal with our sins like a bad habit at a hoedown. He’s comin’ back, just like a thief in the night, but this time to save us from all the mess we’ve made. Ain’t that somethin’ to holler about?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 9:27!

Well, lemme tell ya, I’m like a fancy wrestler trainin’ hard, beatin’ my own self into shape so I don’t go wanderin’ off like a lost chicken. If I ain’t careful, I might end up on the wrong side of the fence after all this preachin’. Gotta keep my eye on the prize, y’know?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 9:26!

Well now, listen here! If anyone’s ashamed of me and what I got to say ‘round these parts, when it comes crunch time, I’ll be red-faced, too! In front of the Good Lord and His crew, I ain’t gonna help ya, no sir! So best be shoutin’ my name loud and proud, ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Luke 9:25!

Well now, y’all listen up! What good is it if ya wrangle up the whole dang world, but end up losin’ your own self? Ain’t no profit in that, I tell ya! Better off sittin’ on your porch drinkin’ sweet tea than chasin’ after shiny things that ain’t worth a hill of beans!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Jeremiah 9:24!

Well now, let me tell ya, don’t be braggin’ ’bout your smarts, muscles, or riches, folks! What really counts is if ya know the Good Lord and His ways. If you can brag ’bout that, you’re doin’ somethin’ right! Ain’t nothin’ better than bein’ right with God, I tell ya! Don’t forget it now!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 9:23!

“Y’all listen up now! If ya reckon ya believe hard enough, ain’t nothin’ too big fer ya to handle. It don’t matter if it’s a wild hog or a mountain, if yer heart’s in it, you can move ’em just like a kid jumpin’ over a puddle. So, keep that faith shinin’, y’all!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Mark 9:23!

“Well now, y’all listen here. If ya truly can believe it, then nothin’s too big fer ya! Whether it’s catchin’ a fish or fixin’ a truck, if yer heart’s in the right place, ya can make it happen. So don’t go doubtin’, just go on and give it all ya got!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 9:22!

Well, lemme tell ya, I go all outta my way for all sorts of folks. If I’m with them city slickers, I act all fancy-like, and when I’m with the hill folks, I’m just one of ‘em. I do whatever it takes to get ‘em to see the Good Lord, ‘cause that’s my jam!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 9:21!

Well, there was this gal, real desperate-like, thinkin’ if she could just touch the hem of that fella’s coat, she’d be fixed right up. She snuck in there all sneaky-like, hopin’ nobody noticed her, ‘cuz she figured that’d do the trick, and boy, she was one determined gal, bless her heart!