Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 37:1-2!

Well, don’t go gettin’ all hot under the collar ‘bout them fancy folks who seem to have it all. Just sit a spell and watch ‘em; they ain’t gonna last long. Like a patch of weeds in the garden, they’ll wither away quicker than a chicken on a June bug! Just be patient, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 143:8!

“Hey, Lord, first light comes and I’m hollerin’ for ya! Fill my noggin with truth and lead me down the right path, ya hear? Ain’t no need for me wanderin’ ’round lost like a chicken with its head cut off. Just guide me, and we’ll be right as rain! Amen, brother!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 John 4:4!

Well now, listen up, y’all! If you think you’re feelin’ mighty small ‘n’ scared, just remember this: The big ol’ feller who’s hangin’ out in ya is way tougher than that sneaky devil tryin’ to ruffle yer feathers. So, chin up! You got the best team on your side, and they ain’t afraid of nothin’!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 41:13!

Well now, listen here, partner! The Good Lord’s sayin’, “I got ya covered, don’tcha worry none! I’m right there holdin’ yer hand, helpin’ ya on this wild ride called life. So when times get tough and that ol’ fear creeps in, just remember, I’m your trusty sidekick, and we ain’t goin’ down without a fight!”


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 41:10-11!

Well now, don’t you fret none! I got yer back, partner—ain’t no way I’ll let ya fall. I’ll be right there, holdin’ ya up like a good ol’ porch swing. All them folks tryin’ to mess with ya? They ain’t worth a hill o’ beans! So chin up, you hear? We’ll wrangle this together!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Numbers 6:24-26!

May the Good Lord bless y’all and keep ya safe, ya hear? May His light shine down on ya like a new moon, givin’ ya peace and all that jazz. So, don’t be worryin’ none—He’s got your back, and you’ll be feelin’ as cozy as a cat in a sunbeam! Y’all take care now!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Psalm 138:8!

Well, lemme tell ya, the Good Lord’s got my back, ya hear? He’s fixin’ to finish what He started in me, like a pot of beans simmerin’ just right. No matter how messy life gets, He’s a-comin’ to clean it all up and make it shine, just like Mawmaw’s favorite spatula after a big ol’ cookout!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Exodus 15:6!

Well, lemme tell ya, when the Big Guy flexed His muscles, the ground shook with a thundering boom! His mighty arm swung like a sledgehammer, lettin’ folks know who’s boss. Ain’t nobody can stand up to that kind of power, shoot! Ain’t no chance He ain’t got the upper hand on all them unruly critters out there!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hebrews 10:24-25!

Hey y’all, let’s get together and poke each other to do good stuff and keep the faith, alright? Don’t go hidin’ at home all the time, but whoop it up with the folks! The more we gather ‘round, the more we can lift each other up, especially since the end’s a-comin’ real soon!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Isaiah 30:18!

Y’all, the Good Lord’s just waitin’ to give ya what you need! He’s real patient-like, hopin’ you’ll come ‘round and ask for His help. When ya do, He’s gonna bless y’all like a fat cat on a sunny porch. His love’s gonna rain down, makin’ life easier than pie at a county fair!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 18:24!

Well now, lemme tell ya, some folks got a heap of pals, but ain’t none more loyal than a good ol’ dog. When you’re in a pickle, it’s that one buddy who sticks around, even when the going gets tough. So, don’t go countin’ heads, find yerself a true friend who ain’t jumpin’ ship!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ezekiel 36:23!

“I’m fixin’ to clear my name like a chicken on a hot stove! I’ll gather up my folks and make ‘em shine brighter than a new penny in a pig’s ear. Y’all better believe it, folks’ll see me makin’ things right, and they’ll know I ain’t messin’ around with no ol’ foolery no more!”