Chill Out

Chill out with this Bible verse of the day.

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Chillax Verse of the Day Galatians 2:16!

Alright, check this out, dudes and dudettes. Galatians 2:16 is all like, “Yo, it ain’t about playin’ by the rules, man. It’s about having faith and walkin’ in the chill vibe of Jesus, bro. ‘Cause even the law can’t save your soul, only being down with the big JC can do that. Peace out, my fellow spiritual cats!”


Chillax Verse of the Day James 4:7-8!

Hey, man! So, check it out. James 4:7-8 goes like this: “Chillax, bros, and vibe with the big guy upstairs. Resist the bad vibes, and they’ll bounce off you like an air hockey puck. Get your mind right, purify that heart, and make some serious peace within yourself. You’ll totally be feelin’ the divine presence, man. Groovy.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Colossians 3:1-4!

Dude, set your mind on righteous things, like letting go of bummer vibes. Focus on the good stuff up in the heavens, where the real cosmic party goes down. Remember, you’re all chill with the ultimate dude, Jesus. So when he comes back in full glory, you’ll totally be riding that cosmic wave.


Chillax Verse of the Day Ephesians 1:15-21!

Yo, check it, I’ve heard so much positive buzz about y’all. Seriously, you’re like the chronic of faith, always staying lit. My prayers are like burning incense for you. I pray the most high opens your mind, giving you a heavenly high. Real talk, God’s power is the ultimate trip – it’s like intergalactic, mind-blowing, unbeatable strength!


Chillax Verse of the Day Colossians 4:5-6!

Yo, listen up, my brethren, so here’s what Paul be saying: Go on and stroll around, keep it chill, yeah? Make the most of your time, and let your speech be extra groovy, you dig? Spread good vibes, man, like a seasoned surfer, and be ready to dish out some righteous answers. Far out!


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 14:10!

So, like, imagine this, dudes: Why you guys judge each other, bro? We all part of this sick club called humanity, so let’s just chill and not harsh each other’s vibes, ya feel me? Cuz, bro, we all gotta stand in front of the big boss someday, and he’s the one to judge, brah. Keep it chill, dudes!


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 8:38-39!

Yo, listen up, dudes and dudettes! Ain’t nothin’ gonna separate us from the love of the universe, man. Not nothin’ above or below, not the trippiest journey or weirdest dimension, no forces, no powers, not even those bad vibes, man! The love of the cosmos is all-encompassing, unstoppable, and rockin’ forever, baby!


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalm 5:1-3!

Yo, hit me up with some divine guidance, Big G! I’m calling out for your ear, ready to vibe with you at dawn. Help me catch those sweet morning vibes, as I lay down my requests. You’re the one who’s got the hookup, Lord, so bless me with your love and light, cuz you know I can’t roll solo without you.


Chillax Verse of the Day Lamentations 3:25!

“Yo, gotta keep the vibe steady in this trip called life. The Universe got your back, so stay chill and have hope. Stay zen, man, and trust the process. While you wait, catch some good vibes, knowing that karma’s got your fresh back, dig? Patience always pays off, my friend. Keep your buzz real, keep your soul lifted.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Lamentations 3:24!

Dude, I gotta say, the Lord is my trip, my ultimate buzz! I keep my mind blazing on Him, and dang, I find hope in all His dope qualities. My dude, every sunrise is a fresh hit, steady reigniting hope, no matter how crazy this trip gets. Gotta just chill and trust His guidance, bro.


Chillax Verse of the Day Lamentations 3:24!

“Dude, every morning I’m like ‘bring it on!’ ’cause I know this: the Big Guy’s got me on a serious vibe of hope. It’s like my stash of inner peace is always replenished. So, I’m chilling here, waiting on him, and I’ll tell ya, it’s worth the good vibes, man.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Jeremiah 29:11-13!

Yo dudes, check it out! Big J says, “I know the plans, man! Plans for peace, not for disasters, bro.” And He’s got your back, if you seek Him with all your heart, man. Get ready to find Him, bro, ’cause you know, when you search with all your heart, that’s when the magic happens. Groovy!