Chill Out

Chill out with this Bible verse of the day.

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Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 5:8!

Dude, check it – Romans 5:8, like, says that even when we were totally blowing it, like, God still loved us and sent his chill son to, like, score big for us. It’s, like, totally rad to know that even when we were like, wigging out, God was still way into us, man.


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 12:15!

Dude, like, be chill and show love, man. Rejoice with those who are stoked, and cry with those who are bummed out. Spread the good vibes and be there for each other, ya know? It’s all about being righteous and keeping it real with your homies. Peace out, bro.


Chillax Verse of the Day Philippians 3:10-11!

Like, I wanna like, know Jesus, man, like real deep, you know? I wanna feel the power of his resurrection, and like, chill with him in the sufferings, dude. If I can, like, connect with him in that, I can, like, get to the radical, awesome, cool, sweet, total, righteous, gnarly, totally righteous state of the dead being raised up. Peace out, bro.


Chillax Verse of the Day Timothy 1:15-16!

Dude, check it: I’m the ultimate example of redemption, man. Like, I used to be the biggest sinner around, but then I found grace, ya know? And it’s so wild, ’cause I got shown love even though I was a total screw-up. It’s all about forgiveness, bro.


Chillax Verse of the Day Romans 6:23!

Hey man, like, the wages of sin is, like, a total bummer, but the gift of God is, like, totally righteous eternal life, ya dig? So, like, be cool and don’t get all caught up in the sin scene, and, like, instead groove on that eternal life vibe, man. Peace out.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 11:25-26!

Bro, Jesus dropped some wisdom in John 11:25-26, like, “I’m the real deal, dude. Whoever believes in me will live even if they kick the bucket, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never, ever die. Do you feel me?” That’s some heavy stuff, man.


Chillax Verse of the Day Matthew 27:54!

Dude, the Centurion and the other bros with him saw the gnarly earthquake and the crazy stuff that went down when JC bit it, and they were totally tripped out, saying, “This dude must’ve been the Son of God, like, for real, man.”


Chillax Verse of the Day Psalms 31:7-8!

When my vibe gets heavy, I turn to the Most High – he never lets me down. I’m chillin’ and groovin’ in his kindness, and his lovin’ is like dynamite. He slides me messages, shows me the way, and sets me on a righteous path. Peace out.


Chillax Verse of the Day Matthew 5:14-16!

You are like, the light of the world. You’re like a big ol’ city on top of a hill, everyone can see you. Don’t be hiding your light, let it shine and let everyone see the good stuff you do. It’s like, letting your light shine in a dark world, dude.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 10:27-30!

Dude, like, yo, sheep listen to me, and I know them, man. And they follow me, dude. I give them eternal life and they will never perish, bro. No one can snatch them out of my hand, man. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, bro. Peace out, man.


Chillax Verse of the Day John 6:35!

“Dude, Jesus said, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not be hungry, and whoever believes in me shall never be thirsty.’ Like, whoa, man, that’s some heavy spiritual nourishment, you know? It’s like, find Jesus, and no more munchies or cottonmouth, man. Right on, bro.”


Chillax Verse of the Day John 8:31-32!

So, like, Jesus was all, “If you, like, stick with my teachings, you’d be, like, my true followers, and you’d, like, totally know the truth, and the truth would, like, set you free, man.” I mean, that’s some deep stuff, bro. Can you, like, even handle it, dude?