Meet Malachi: The Prophet Behind the Last Book of the Old Testament
Meet Malachi: Prophet of the last book of the Old Testament, whose words on the coming of the Messiah still resonate today.
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Meet Malachi: Prophet of the last book of the Old Testament, whose words on the coming of the Messiah still resonate today.
Discover the fascinating story of Zechariah, the prophet whose visions and prophecies inspired the biblical Book of Zechariah.
Haggai: The Prophet Behind the Book – Learn about the lesser-known prophet who played a crucial role in Jewish history.
Zephaniah: Prophet brings warning and promise to Israel
The ancient prophet Habakkuk’s text still speaks to modern readers, offering wisdom and hope in difficult times.
Nahum prophesied the destruction of Nineveh, but little is known about the messenger himself. Learn more about the man behind the book.
Discovering the true identity of Micah, the enigmatic author of the Bible’s Book of Micah, sheds light on ancient Israelite culture.
Unraveling the mystery of Jonah – the man behind the Biblical book. Discover the enigmatic author’s story.
Obadiah: the shortest book of the Bible. Yet, it packs a powerful message. Discover the prophet behind its words.
Uncovering the Mystery of Amos: A Journey into the Life and Teachings of the Biblical Prophet.
Joel the Prophet: The man behind the prophetic book of Joel in the Bible. Learn about his life and teachings.
Meet Hosea, the lesser-known prophet of the Old Testament, whose book delivers a message of love and mercy amidst Israel’s sin.