Rescue Me from Evil – Psalm 140
“Darkness surrounds me, evil at my door. My cry for help rises high, Rescue me from evil, oh Lord.” #Psalm140 #RescueMeFromEvil
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“Darkness surrounds me, evil at my door. My cry for help rises high, Rescue me from evil, oh Lord.” #Psalm140 #RescueMeFromEvil
From the depths of despair, we rise up, stronger than before. With faith as our guide, we conquer all, like Psalm 129 of yore.
Let your voice be heard, rise above the noise. With faith as your shield, let your spirit rejoice. Psalm 120, a timeless guide, to lift you up, and help you thrive.
From the depths of despair, rise above and find your peace. Psalm 121 guides us, trust in the Lord and worries will cease.
Unite in song, lift your voice up high, let the melody bring us nigh. Come together as one, with hearts ablaze, and let us praise our God in endless ways.
Through trials and tears, our unwavering faith guides us. Upward we gaze, seeking strength from above – Psalm 123.
Rise up, let your voice be heard, our victory anthem rings true. With God on our side, we’ll overcome, Psalm 124 guiding us through.
“Unshakeable Faith – Psalm 125” – Rise above the chaos, with a steadfast heart. Trust in the Lord, for His love will never depart.
Let the fields burst forth with laughter, as we reap what we have sown. Our cups overflow with blessings, Rejoice in Harvest, we are known.
Build your life on the Rock of Faith, let Him guide you every step of the way. Trust in His plan, for He knows best. Psalm 127, a reminder to rest.
Flames of faith ignite my spirit, as I call on God’s holy name. Fire in my soul, Psalm 141, fuels my journey to eternal flame.
From sunrise to sunset, my soul sings with joy. Blessed life, abundant joy, my cup overflows with love divine – Psalm 128.