Young Children

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Dont Let Monsters Steal Your Joy

Young children often have vivid imaginations and may be afraid of imaginary creatures such as monsters. It’s important for parents and caregivers to assure them that monsters aren’t real and teach them ways to cope with fear. Don’t let these imaginary creatures steal their joy and innocence.


God is Bigger than Any Monster

As a young child, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by fear of monsters. But God is bigger than any creature you can imagine. Trust in his love and strength to protect you, and remember that you are never alone. May this article encourage young hearts to find comfort and peace in their relationship with God.


Jesus Loves Everyone

“Jesus loves everyone, including young children! John 3:16 says that God loved the world so much, He sent His only Son to save us. This means that Jesus loves and cares for each and every one of us, no matter how young or old we are. Isn’t that amazing?”


Living Boldly for God, even in the Face of Fear

Living boldly for God can be difficult, especially when we’re faced with things that scare us. Fear can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to control us. Whether it’s the dark, monsters, or the unknown, we can find comfort and strength in God’s love. Young children and teens can learn to be brave by trusting in God and facing their fears head-on.


No Fear in Love: How Gods Love Drives Away Fear

“Teaching young children about God’s love can help them overcome fears. By emphasizing that perfect love casts out fear, parents can instill a sense of security and confidence in their little ones. With God as their ultimate protector, children can face any fear with courage and trust.”