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The Dangers of Pornography Addiction

Teens are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of pornography addiction. Exposure to graphic content can result in a distorted view of sex, unrealistic expectations, and even behavioral problems. Additionally, young minds are more susceptible to developing addictive patterns that can last into adulthood. It’s crucial for parents and educators to educate teens on the potential harms of pornography addiction.


Guarding Your Heart Against Sexual Temptation

Teens are confronted with sexual temptation daily. Guarding your heart against lust and desire starts with understanding your values and boundaries. Saying “no” when confronted with temptation may seem hard, but setting boundaries and holding yourself accountable will positively impact your life.


Understanding the Root of Video Game Rage

Teenagers are among the most vulnerable to video game rage. Understanding what triggers this response can play a crucial role in preventing it. While elements such as game design and gameplay mechanics can factor in, underlying issues such as stress, anxiety, and fatigue are critical. Ultimately, addressing the root of video game rage can help teens enjoy gaming without negative consequences.


Gods Call to Obedience: Lessons from Jonah

Teens can learn much from Jonah’s disobedience and eventual submission to God’s call. His story shows the consequences of running from God and the blessings of obedience. We can all strive to listen attentively to God’s voice and follow his plan for our lives.


The Science of Dinosaurs: Exploring Gods Creation

Dinosaurs are one of the most fascinating subjects in the world of science. This article delves into the theory of evolution and how it relates to the existence of these prehistoric creatures as well as explores the religious perspective through a Christian lens. Teenagers and adults alike will be intrigued by the awe-inspiring creatures that once roamed the earth.


Living Boldly for God, even in the Face of Fear

Living boldly for God can be difficult, especially when we’re faced with things that scare us. Fear can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to control us. Whether it’s the dark, monsters, or the unknown, we can find comfort and strength in God’s love. Young children and teens can learn to be brave by trusting in God and facing their fears head-on.