Question: what’s the difference between needy and in need? (Evangelical Christian)
“Needy implies dependence on others, while in need simply suggests a lack of something essential.”
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“Needy implies dependence on others, while in need simply suggests a lack of something essential.”
Being needy is a temporary state, while being poor is a long-term condition.
Rewards given to believers for faithful service to Christ.
Yes, Paul is an apostle according to the Bible.
An apostle is a messenger chosen by Jesus to spread the Gospel and establish churches.
“The Bible warns against idle hands: ‘Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.'” (Proverbs 16:27 NLT)
Discover the powerful words of the Serenity Prayer, an oft-repeated mantra in Evangelical Christian circles for finding peace in life’s struggles.
The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings and teachings for living a godly life, written by King Solomon and others. #Christianity
The ‘evil eye’ is a superstition that some believe can bring harm or misfortune. As Christians, we know that our protection comes from God, not superstitions.
The Lord’s Prayer is a model prayer given by Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13, teaching us to approach God with reverence and trust.
Discover the meaning and power of a prayer for healing in Evangelical Christianity, and how it can bring spiritual and physical restoration.
An Evangelical Christian believes in the Bible as the sole authority and in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone.