Question: What does the Bible say about women pastors? (Evangelical Christian)
The Bible does not explicitly allow or prohibit women from being pastors.
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The Bible does not explicitly allow or prohibit women from being pastors.
Satan is a fallen angel who opposes God and tempts humans.
Well, according to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, individuals can potentially become like God, but it is not taught that they will have their own planet.
Michael the Archangel is a figure mentioned in the Bible and a central figure in Latter-day Saint beliefs.
Jesus’ resurrection after 3 days is the sign of Jonah.
No, the Bible doesn’t mention the exact date of Jesus’ birth.
God is spirit, with no gender, but is often referred to in the Bible in masculine terms.
No, Jesus never sinned.
No, Jesus never sinned.
Satan is a fallen angel who rebelled against God and tempts humans to sin.