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Honoring God with our finances through joyful giving

As adults, we have a responsibility to honor God with our finances, including giving cheerfully to our church and tithing faithfully. When we give joyfully, we are acknowledging God’s provision and sovereignty over our lives. It is a way to express gratitude and trust in God’s plan for our finances and demonstrate our commitment to the work of the church.


Waiting on Gods Timing for Relationships

Are you tired of waiting for the right relationship to come along? Trust in God’s perfect timing when it comes to finding a partner. As adults, we can often feel the pressure to settle down, but it’s important to remember that God has a plan for each of us. Embrace this season of singleness and have faith that the right person will come into your life at the perfect time.


The Virtues of Loyalty and Obedience: Lessons from Dogs in the Scriptures

Discover the incredible wisdom we can glean from dogs in the scriptures. In this fascinating article, we explore the virtues of loyalty and obedience, as exemplified by our beloved furry friends. Whether you’re a dog lover or simply seeking valuable life lessons, this insightful read is perfect for adults looking to embrace these qualities in their own lives.


The Courageous Faith of Esther

Esther was a courageous woman who stood up for her people and risked everything to save them. As adults, we can draw inspiration from Esther’s unwavering faith in times of uncertainty and seek strength from her example of bravery in the face of adversity.


The Power of Our Words: Honoring God with Our Speech

As adults, our words have the power to build up or tear down others. When we choose to honor God with our speech, we show love and respect to those around us. This article explores the impact of our words and how we can use them to glorify God in our daily interactions.


Understanding the source of our insecurities

As adults, our insecurities can hold us back in both personal and professional settings. By understanding the source of our insecurities, we can begin to overcome them and live a more confident and fulfilling life. Explore common causes of insecurity and learn how to take steps towards greater self-assurance.


Teaching Your Children to be Clean at an Early Age

Instilling the value of cleanliness in children is crucial. By teaching them to clean up after themselves at an early age, we are setting a foundation for tidy habits that will last a lifetime. But it’s never too late for adults to learn and adapt these habits too, leading to a more organized and stress-free life.


Prioritizing God in Your Daily Schedule

As adults, life can get hectic with work, family, and other obligations. But it’s important to prioritize our relationship with God in our daily schedule. By setting aside time to read the Bible, pray, and attend church, we can strengthen our faith and find peace and purpose in our busy lives.


Generosity as a Spiritual Discipline

Generosity is not just a nice thing to do, it’s also an essential spiritual discipline. Being generous helps us cultivate compassion and gratitude towards others. For adults, it’s important to remember that being generous doesn’t necessarily have to involve financial giving. Instead, it could mean giving of our time, skills, or listening ear to those in need.


The Communion of Saints: Sharing in the Joy of Heaven

As adults, we often struggle to maintain hope and find purpose in life. The concept of the Communion of Saints offers a glimpse into the heavenly realm, where we can experience eternal joy and fulfillment. Sharing in the joy of Heaven can bring peace to our hearts and a renewed sense of purpose to our lives.