A John 14:6 Meme by Ned Flanders (The Cartoon Character)
Jesus is the truth and the way. Plus, He’s alive and no one gets to the Father except through Him.
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Jesus is the truth and the way. Plus, He’s alive and no one gets to the Father except through Him.
Only God’s chosen can be saved by the name of Jesus Christ; I’m not sure I’m one of them.
God saved us, not because we did anything good, but because he’s a righteous dude. (20 words exactly)
Believe in Jesus. Speak with your mouth that God raised him from the dead. You will be saved.
God is always with me, so I will not be afraid; I will trust in Him.
Don’t lust. It’s like cheating.
God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.
Heh, welcome to da book of Romans. Dis is Paul, a servant of Christ.
As for me, Jesus is my Master, God is my Father; I honor and obey them.
God tasked Adam with caring for me and my fellow animals in the Garden of Eden.
Captain Marvel: “With Jesus, we can fearlessly tackle any challenge, for He will never leave nor forsake us.”
Marvel Captain seeks God’s directions, precepts and statutes, excelling in living according to His words, enjoying His testimonies.