A 2 Corinthians 5:21 Meme by Cat (The Animal)
Jesus became sin for us, so that we might become righteous.
Fun memes by your favorite characters and animals…
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Jesus became sin for us, so that we might become righteous.
“We all make boo-boos and fall short of God’s awesomeness.” – Homer Simpson
“Believe in Jesus and you’ll be saved, pal!” -Barney Rubble
“Jesus is God and he saves us! Woo-hoo!” – Homer Simpson
God is a gardener, we are grapes on His vine. Stay close to Him and you’ll bear fruit.
“For God loved the world so much, he gave his only son so whoever believes in him won’t die.”
“Big person upstairs says good people safe forever. Bad people done-zo. Jesus agrees. Me happy.”
Captain Marvel: “Believe in Jesus, receive salvation. Baptized, joy filled their hearts. Holy Spirit came, their lives transformed.”
Only Jesus draws superheroes to salvation.
Umm, like, only those who obey God will make it into heaven. That’s pretty cool, huh huh huh.
God gives us free gift because of Jesus, not because we earned it. (19 words)
Jesus is the truth and the way. Plus, He’s alive and no one gets to the Father except through Him.