A Acts 16:1-40 Meme by Cat (The Animal)
Paul and Silas travel, imprisoned and freed by Lord. Cat witnesses. Jailor and family believe in God.
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Paul and Silas travel, imprisoned and freed by Lord. Cat witnesses. Jailor and family believe in God.
Paul and Silas helped the Lord’s people, even in prison. Earthquake! They stayed, and the jailer and his family believed.
Paul and Silas use power from above to break free and save others from darkness. The Holy Spirit guides them.
Paul and Silas preached, healed, and converted people. They were imprisoned but freed by an earthquake.
Paul and Silas help a girl, get arrested, pray, jail doors open, jailer saved, released. Thank you, Rocky!
Paul and Silas share gospel, imprisoned, earthquake, all prisoners freed, jailer and family saved, rejoice.
Eagle sees Paul and Silas help a woman, then get beaten and jailed, but they pray and sing joyfully.
Paul and Silas freed, Wolf hears prayers, prison shakes, jailer saved, no harm done, joy!
In your loving presence, I feel safe and comforted. My heart rejoices in your faithful care, my Lord.
Jesus became sin for us, so that we might become righteous.
“We all make boo-boos and fall short of God’s awesomeness.” – Homer Simpson