1. The Promised Land flowing with Milk and Honey – This story comes from the book of Exodus (3:8), where God promises to lead the Israelites to a land flowing with milk and honey. The land of Canaan, which was later named as the Promised Land, was literally a place of abundant resources, including fertile lands for agriculture and dairy farming. The mention of milk and honey symbolizes prosperity and abundance.
2. The Prodigal Son – In this parable found in the book of Luke (15:11-32), the younger son demands his inheritance from his father and goes to a far-off land where he squanders it all. When he hits rock bottom and decides to return home, his father runs to greet him and orders his servants to prepare a feast, including a fattened calf and milk for a drink.
3. Feeding of the 5,000 – In Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus feeds thousands of people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. After blessing the food, he gave it to the people, and they all ate and were satisfied, with enough leftovers to fill twelve baskets. This miracle has been interpreted as a symbol of spiritual nourishment, in the same way that milk sustains and nourishes our bodies.
4. The Good Shepherd – In John 10:1-18, Jesus tells a story of a good shepherd who cares for his sheep. He describes how the shepherd leads his sheep to green pastures and still waters, and how he protects them from danger. Jesus identifies himself as the Good Shepherd who will lay down his life for his sheep. Milk is mentioned in this story as a symbol of the shepherd’s care and provision for the sheep.
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