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The Bible Talks about Lice.

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  • The word Lice does not appear in the NLT version of the Bible.
  • The word Lice does not appear in the NIV version of the Bible.
  • The word Lice appears 3 times in the KJV version of the Bible.
  • The word Lice does not appear in the ESV version of the Bible.
  • Bible Stories about Lice:

    Here are some Bible stories that mention lice:

    1. In Exodus 8:16-19, God commanded Moses to bring a plague of lice upon Egypt to punish Pharaoh for refusing to release the Israelites from slavery. The lice covered the people and all their animals, causing great discomfort and suffering.

    2. In Psalm 105:31, the psalmist recalls the plagues that God brought upon Egypt, including the plague of lice.

    3. In Matthew 10:8, Jesus instructs his disciples to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. While lice are not specifically mentioned, the authority to heal any illness or affliction is given.

    4. In James 5:14-15, the Apostle James encourages believers to call upon the elders of the church to anoint them with oil and pray for healing. Again, while lice are not specifically mentioned, the power of prayer is emphasized.

    Bible Verses Containing the Word Lice:

    The Bible does not specifically contain the word Lice. However, here are some verses that address related themes:

    – Exodus 8:16-19 – These verses describe the plague of gnats that the Lord sent upon Egypt, which could be interpreted as a type of small insect like lice.
    – Deuteronomy 28:27 – This verse is a part of a list of curses that would come upon the Israelites if they disobeyed the Lord. One of the curses is that they would be plagued with “boils”, which could also be interpreted as a type of insect infestation.
    – Psalm 105:31 – This verse describes the Lord’s sending of “swarms of flies” and “gnats” as a part of the plagues inflicted upon Egypt. These insects could also be interpreted as something like lice.


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