1. Noah’s Ark: In this classic story, God instructs Noah to build an enormous ark and fill it with pairs of every animal species on earth, to save them from a devastating flood. Despite being mocked by his neighbors, Noah follows God’s direction and saves countless animals.
2. The Creation Story: In this story, God creates all living things, including animals. Each day of creation, God forms different animals, from the fish in the sea to the birds in the sky.
3. The Prodigal Son’s Fatted Calf: In this parable, a wayward son returns home to his father, who throws him a lavish feast. The father instructs his servants to kill a fatted calf to celebrate the son’s return, highlighting the importance of animals in celebrations.
4. Balaam’s Talking Donkey: In this story, the prophet Balaam is traveling on his donkey when the animal surprisingly begins to speak to him. The donkey saves Balaam from danger, and the event demonstrates God’s power to work through all creatures, even those that are typically mute.
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