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The Bible Vs. Research on Noah’s ark.

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The data on Noah's ark:

Research and the Bible seem to agree on certain aspects of Noah’s Ark. According to Genesis, God instructs Noah to build an ark to save himself, his family, and a male and female of every species from a flood that will cover the earth. Recent scientific and archaeological studies provide evidence to support the story of the ark.

One such study was conducted by marine engineer Tom Vosmer, who concluded that the dimensions of the ark described in Genesis would have been seaworthy and could have survived the flood. Vosmer used modern engineering techniques to model the ark and found that it could withstand waves up to 100 feet high.

Another study conducted by geologist John Woodmorappe estimated that there were around 16,000 animals on the ark, well within the capacity of the vessel. Woodmorappe also proposed that the dimensions given in Genesis would have provided ample space for the animals and their supplies.

While there may be disagreements on the age of the earth or the extent of the flood, research and the Bible seem to agree on the possibility of an ark that could have saved Noah and his family, along with a representative sample of every animal species. It is important to note that faith and science can complement each other and provide a deeper understanding of our world’s origins.

– Vosmer, Tom. “The Seaworthiness of the Biblical Ark.” Creation.com. https://creation.com/the-seaworthiness-of-the-biblical-ark.
– Woodmorappe, John. “Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study.” ICR.org. https://www.icr.org/article/noahs-ark-feasibility-study.

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