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Lystra: A Place of Divine Encounter

Lystra: A Place of Divine Encounter

Lystra, a city located not far from Derbe, is a place that has been marked by divine encounters. This city is where Paul and Barnabas preached the gospel, and they experienced both great success and great persecution. It was also the home of Timothy, a young man who would become one of the great leaders of the early church.

Paul and Barnabas Visit Lystra

In Acts 14, we read about Paul and Barnabas’ visit to Lystra. As they were preaching, a man who had been lame from birth was healed. The people of Lystra were so amazed that they thought Paul and Barnabas were gods. They even wanted to offer sacrifices to them. Paul and Barnabas quickly set them straight, telling them that they were only human and that they preached the good news of Jesus Christ.

Despite their success in Lystra, things quickly turned sour. A group of Jews from other cities arrived and stirred up the people against Paul and Barnabas. They stoned Paul and left him for dead. But miraculously, Paul got up and continued to preach the gospel in Lystra before moving on to other cities.

Timothy’s Home in Lystra

Although Lystra was a place of both great success and great persecution for Paul and Barnabas, it was also a place of great significance for Timothy. Timothy grew up in Lystra, and his mother and grandmother taught him the Scriptures from a young age. When Paul returned to Lystra on his second missionary journey, he met Timothy and recognized his potential as a leader in the church.

Paul took Timothy under his wing, and Timothy accompanied him on his travels. Eventually, Timothy became a trusted leader in the early church, and Paul wrote two letters to him that are now part of the New Testament.

The Misunderstood Missionaries: Paul and Barnabas in Lystra

Paul and Barnabas were misunderstood in Lystra. The people there thought they were gods, and later, they were persecuted and stoned. But despite the hardship, they continued to preach the gospel, and their message spread throughout the region.

Their story is a reminder that following Christ is not always easy. We may be misunderstood, persecuted, or even physically harmed for our faith. But like Paul and Barnabas, we can trust in God’s strength and continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

In conclusion, Lystra is a place that has been marked by divine encounters. Paul and Barnabas experienced both great success and great persecution there, and Timothy grew up in the city and became a trusted leader in the early church. Their stories remind us that following Christ is not always easy, but we can trust in God’s strength and continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

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