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Discovering Ptolemais: A Journey to the Biblical Land of Paul’s Arrival

Discovering Ptolemais: A Journey to the Biblical Land of Paul’s Arrival

The Journey Begins: Discovering Ptolemais

I set out on a journey to find the place where Paul, the apostle, landed on his way to Jerusalem. My journey led me to Ptolemais, a city on the Mediterranean, north of Mount Carmel. As I arrived in Ptolemais, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as I realized that I was walking in the footsteps of Paul. It was a moment of discovery that would leave a lasting impression on me.

Ptolemais is a city that has been inhabited since the third century BC. It has a rich history and has been ruled by various empires, from the Greeks to the Romans to the Ottomans. As I walked through the city, I could see the influence of these different cultures in its architecture and landmarks. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been like for Paul to arrive in this city over 2,000 years ago.

Following in the Footsteps of Paul

As I explored Ptolemais, I followed in the footsteps of Paul. I retraced his steps from the harbor where he landed to the house of Philip the evangelist, where he stayed. It was a humbling experience to walk in the same place where Paul had walked and to see the same landmarks that he had seen.

As I walked through the city, I could imagine what it would have been like for Paul. He would have been tired and weary from his journey, yet excited to continue his mission. He would have been greeted by the friendly people of Ptolemais, who would have offered him a warm welcome.

Exploring Ptolemais: A Biblical Landmark

Ptolemais is a city that is steeped in biblical history. It is mentioned in the book of Acts as the place where Paul landed on his way to Jerusalem. It is also the place where Peter raised Tabitha from the dead (Acts 9:36-43). As I explored the city, I could feel the spiritual energy that permeates every corner of Ptolemais.

The city has several landmarks that are of biblical significance. The house of Philip the evangelist, where Paul stayed, is still standing and can be visited. The harbor where Paul landed is also still in use today. There are also several churches in the city, including the Church of St. George, that are worth exploring.

Finding Inspiration in the Place of Paul’s Arrival

My journey to Ptolemais was more than just a visit to a historical landmark. It was a spiritual journey that left me feeling inspired and uplifted. As I walked in the footsteps of Paul, I was reminded of the power of faith and the importance of pursuing one’s mission in life.

Ptolemais is a city that is full of history and spirituality. It is a place where one can find inspiration and renewal. I left Ptolemais feeling grateful for the opportunity to have visited this biblical landmark and inspired to continue my own journey in life.


Discovering Ptolemais was a journey that I will never forget. Walking in the footsteps of Paul and exploring this biblical landmark was a humbling and inspiring experience. Ptolemais is a city that is full of history, culture, and spirituality, and it is a place that should be on every traveler’s itinerary. I encourage anyone who is seeking inspiration and renewal to visit this beautiful city on the Mediterranean.

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