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Meet Malachi: The Prophet Behind the Last Book of the Old Testament

The Bible contains 66 books, divided into the Old and New Testaments. The last book of the Old Testament is Malachi, which was written by the prophet of the same name. Malachi is not as well-known as other biblical figures such as Moses, David, or Isaiah, but he played a crucial role in God’s plan of redemption. In this article, we will explore who Malachi was and what he had to say to the people of Israel.

Meet Malachi: The Prophet of the Last Book

Malachi was a prophet who lived in the Persian period, around 450-400 BC. His name means "my messenger," which reflects his role as God’s spokesperson to the people of Israel. Malachi is the last of the twelve Minor Prophets, who were called "minor" not because their message was less important, but because their books were shorter than those of the Major Prophets. Malachi’s book contains only four chapters, but it is filled with powerful messages of rebuke, warning, and hope.

Who Was Malachi?

Very little is known about Malachi’s personal life. His book does not mention his family, tribe, or hometown. However, he speaks with authority and conviction, as one who has received a direct revelation from God. Malachi’s message was addressed to the priests and the people of Israel, who had become complacent in their worship and disobedient to God’s commands. He rebuked them for their spiritual apathy, their corrupt practices, and their lack of faithfulness to the covenant.

Insights Into Malachi’s Message

Malachi’s message can be summarized in two main themes: the coming judgment and the coming Messiah. He warned the people of Israel that God’s judgment was imminent, and that they needed to repent and turn back to him before it was too late. He also announced the coming of a messenger who would prepare the way for the Lord, and the coming of the Lord himself, who would purify and refine his people. Malachi’s prophecies were fulfilled in the person of John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Legacy of the Prophet Malachi

Although Malachi’s book is short, it has had a lasting impact on the faith of Israel and the church. His message of repentance, faithfulness, and expectation of the Messiah is still relevant today, as we face our own spiritual challenges and await the return of Christ. Malachi’s prophecy of the "sun of righteousness" rising with healing in its wings (Malachi 4:2) is a powerful image of Christ’s healing and redemption for all who believe in him.

Time Period: Historical Background

Malachi lived during a time of political, social, and spiritual upheaval in Israel. The Babylonian exile had ended, and the Jews had returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and the city walls. However, their enthusiasm had waned, and they had become disillusioned with the slow progress and the ongoing opposition from their enemies. Malachi’s message was a wake-up call to the people, reminding them of their covenant with God and their need to renew their commitment to him. It was a time of waiting and longing for the Messiah, who would bring a new era of peace and righteousness to Israel and the world.

Malachi may not be as well-known as other prophets, but his message is just as relevant today as it was 2500 years ago. As evangelical Christians, we can learn from Malachi’s call to repentance, his challenge to renew our commitment to God, and his hope for the coming of Christ. Let us heed his warning and his invitation, and let us look forward to the day when the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.

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